
Gravatar module for Kohana 3.3

Primary LanguagePHP

Gravatar module for Kohana 3.3.x

Simple module to retrieve a user's profile image from Gravatar based on a given email address. If the email address cannot be matched with a Gravatar account, an alternative will be returned based on the default_image setting.


Display a Gravatar (using default settings)

echo Kohana_Gravatar::factory()->image("youremail@address.com");

Display 64x64 Gravatar (only PG images and using the identicon default)

echo Kohana_Gravatar::factory()

Download Gravatar (to the current directory)

$result = Kohana_Gravatar::factory()

echo "Gravatar saved to: ", $result->location;

Display a default Gravatar image

echo Kohana_Gravatar::factory()

Display multiple Gravatars with the same settings:

$gravatar = Kohana_Gravatar::factory()

$emails = array(

foreach ($emails as $email) {
    echo $gravatar->image($email);


$g = Kohana_Gravatar::factory();

Desired size (width and height) in pixels, e.g.
    Default image (from Gravatar's predefined list or an image URL), e.g.
    <br /><code>$g->default_image(Gravatar::WAVATAR);</code>
    <br /><code>$g->default_image("http://example.com/your-default-image.png");</code>

    The directory to save downloaded Gravatar images, e.g.
    <br /><code>$g->destination("./");</code>

    Enable or disable HTTPS, e.g.
    <br /><code>$g->https(true);</code>

    The acceptable image rating, e.g.
    <br /><code>$g->rating(Gravatar::PG);</code>

    Return the default image (even if the email has a valid Gravatar), e.g.
    <br /><code>$g->force_default(true);</code>



  • Gravatar::G suitable for display on all websites with any audience type.
  • Gravatar::PG may contain rude gestures, provocatively dressed individuals, the lesser swear words, or mild violence.
  • Gravatar::R may contain such things as harsh profanity, intense violence, nudity, or hard drug use.
  • Gravatar::X may contain hardcore sexual imagery or extremely disturbing violence.


  • Gravatar::E404 return HTTP 404 error if email not found
  • Gravatar::MM mystery-man; a simple, cartoon-style silhouetted outline of a person
  • Gravatar::IDENTICON a geometric pattern based on an email hash
  • Gravatar::MONSTERID a generated 'monster' with different colors, faces, etc
  • Gravatar::WAVATAR generated faces with differing features and backgrounds
  • Gravatar::RETRO 8-bit arcade-style pixelated faces
  • Gravatar::BLANK a transparent PNG image