Code for Video Deepfake Detection model from "Combining EfficientNet and Vision Transformers for Video Deepfake Detection" presented at ICIAP 2021.
Jupyter NotebookMIT
- abhishekju06
- anas-rzOakland University
- aungsiminhtet
- chaseleecn
- czy5638222
- Elijah-Yi
- FeywellXidian University
- giorgiopAmsterdam, Netherlands
- goen-kkk
- gtp2022
- JackKoLing
- JeffCarpenterCanada
- jimmymi-95Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- langyubo
- RainRain1218
- rexnxiaobaihangzhou
- Scorpio24
- spirosbaxAmsterdam, Netherlands
- stephenivy12
- styler00dollar
- SuaroMadrid
- surbhim18Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur
- tbfito
- TeachYangToCode
- Timeline02
- UnicoWang
- wwaangg
- yi-zhi111China University of Petroleum(East China)
- ymhzyj
- yuby14
- zb-zuishuai
- zhangzhili1112Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
- ZhendongWang6University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)
- ZoeyZheng0University of Southern California