
Code for input and output processing of image_captionig_tree2tree.

Primary LanguageC++


Code for input and output processing of image_captionig_tree2tree https://github.com/dave94-42/image_captionig_tree2tree

How to use the code:

gPb algorithm on original images: to obtain gPb of original images (needed by glia pipeline) I have used https://github.com/vrabaud/gPb but you can also use the official matlab implementation of this algorithm that you can find here https://www2.eecs.berkeley.edu/Research/Projects/CS/vision/grouping/resources.html


Download Graph Learning Library for Image Analysis (GLIA) from https://github.com/tingliu/glia, excract it into input_processing/glia_pipeline directory and download GLIA dependency. You can find more info about how to use it in its repo
In order to produce a tree representing a hierarchical segmentation of the image, you need to train a boundary classifier. The file glia_pipeline_on_BSD.sh was used to build input and output for that classifier. According to the original work I have used BSDS500 for this stage. 
In input_processing/glia_pipeline/glia_pipeline.sh is needed to specify the variable gPb_path,gray_images, new_path, model,final_results that are respectively directory of gPb algorithm applied to the original images, original images in gray scale, path in which you store the intermediate result of the pipeline (could be removed once you have the final results), file containing the model for random forest, and final result (i.e. file describing the segmentation tree and segmentation map file)

input_processing/input_tree_label: after previous stage you get in the final result directory what is needed, along with the original images, to label crated trees with convolutional informations coming form alexNet. More info by running the code with --help argument


Download stanford parser https://nlp.stanford.edu/software/stanford-parser-full-2018-10-17.zip and put in its directory the file named build_parse_tree_from_captions.sh
When you run it you need to specify as first argument the files containing the captions (more details about later) and directory in which you want to have resulting trees files (one for each image)
Format of captions file: name of image (image file name without extension) + “ : “ + caption to process. After script termination you will have in your specified target directory a single xml file for each image (the name is the same of the one in the caption file i.e. image file name without extension. This is needed by image_captionig_tree2tree in order to map input in respectively target)