
React tabs component

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

react-tabs Build Status

React tabs component


$ npm install react-tabs




/** @jsx React.DOM */
var React		= require('react'),
	ReactTabs	= require('react-tabs'),
	Tab			= ReactTabs.Tab,
	Tabs		= ReactTabs.Tabs,
	TabList		= ReactTabs.TabList,
	TabPanel	= ReactTabs.TabPanel;

var App = React.createClass({
	handleSelect: function (index, last) {
		console.log('Selected tab: ' + index + ', Last tab: ' + last);
	render: function () {
		return (
			// <Tabs/> is a composite component and acts as the main container.
			// `onSelect` is called whenever a tab is selected. The handler for
			// this function will be passed the current index as well as the last index.
			// `selectedIndex` is the tab to select when first rendered. By default
			// the first (index 0) tab will be selected.
				// <TabList/> is a composit component and is the container for the <Tab/>s.

					// <Tab/> is the actual tab component that users will interact with.
					// Selecting a tab can be done by either clicking with the mouse,
					// or by using the keyboard tab to give focus then navigating with
					// the arrow keys (right/down to select tab to the right of selected,
					// left/up to select tab to the left of selected).
					// The content of the <Tab/> (this.props.children) will be shown as the label.

				// <TabPanel/> is the content for the tab.
				// There should be an equal number of <Tab/> and <TabPanel/> components.
				// <Tab/> and <TabPanel/> components are tied together by the order in
				// which they appear. The first (index 0) <Tab/> will be associated with
				// the <TabPanel/> of the same index. Running this example when
				// `selectedIndex` is 0 the tab with the label "Foo" will be selected
				// and the content shown will be "Hello from Foo".
				// As with <Tab/> the content of <TabPanel/> will be shown as the content.
					<h2>Hello from Foo</h2>
					<h2>Hello from Bar</h2>
					<h2>Hello from Baz</h2>

React.renderComponent(<App/>, document.body);
