
A collection of source code for computing in the fields of mathematics, geometry, graphics, image analysis and physics.

Primary LanguageC++Boost Software License 1.0BSL-1.0

Geometric Tools Engine

The Geometric Tools Engine (GTE) is a collection of source code for computing in the fields of mathematics, geometry, graphics, image analysis and physics. The engine is written in C++ 14 and supports high-performance computing using CPU multithreading and general purpose GPU programming (GPGPU). Portions of the code are described in various books as well as in PDF documents available at the Geometric Tools Website. GTE is licensed under the Boost Software License 1.0. The update history for the current version of GTE is Current Update History. The update history for all versions of GTE is Full Update History.

Supported Platforms

The mathematics code is in a header-only library, GTMathematics. A mathematics library with GPU-based implementations is provided,s GTMathematicsGPU. The CPU-based common graphics engine code is in its own library, GTGraphics. DirectX 11 wrappers are provided for graphics and applications, GTGraphicsDX11 and GTApplicationsDX11, on Microsoft Windows 10/11. OpenGL 4.5 wrappers are provided for graphics and applications, GTGraphicsGL45 and GTApplicationsGL45, on Microsoft Windows 10/11 and on Linux. A small number of files exist to use GLX and X-Windows on Linux.

On Microsoft Windows 10/11, the code is maintained using Microsoft Visual Studio 2019/2022 with Microsoft's compilers, LLVM clang-cl or with Intel C++ Compilers 2024/2025.

On Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS, the code is maintained using Visual Studio Code 1.85.1 and CMake 3.28.1, NVIDIA graphics drivers, OpenGL 4.5 and gcc 13.2.0.

On Fedora 41, the code is maintained using Visual Studio Code 1.92.1 and CMake 3.28.2, NVIDIA graphics drivers, OpenGL 4.5 and gcc 14.2.1.

On openSUSE Leap 15.5, the code is maintained using Visual Studio Code 1.85.1 and CMake 3.20.4, NVIDIA graphics drivers, OpenGL 4.5 and gcc 7.5.0.

Getting Started

The repository contains many sample applications to illustrate some features of the engine. Top-level solutions/makefiles exist to build everything in the repository. Please read the Installation and Release Notes to understand what is expected of your development environment.

Pull Requests

You are welcome to create pull requests for me to examine if you believe you have found a bug. When you post the pull request, please also modify the file version (line 6 of the comment header in the files). The version is of the form major.minor.year.month.day. The major.minor portion is when the file was introduced into the GTE distribution; do not modify this. The year is a 4-digit number, the month is a 2-digit number, and the day is a 2-digit number. For example, if you submitted the pull request on February 20, 2025, then major.minor.2025.02.20 is the new file version.