This project is mean to simplify and make more elegant aws lambda development in typescript and automatically handle the serverless configuration file.
This is still under heavy development.
- define your service as a class annotating it to provide configuration
- define lambdas as methods of a class and annotate them to provide configuration
- lambdas are automatically wrapped into a promise
- path and query parameters are automatically injected into the lambda
- support for parameters validation
- no need to change serverless.yml
At a glance:
// define configuration here
export class MyService {
// define configuration
public sayHello(event) {
return { message : 'Hello there'}
Look into the example folder for a working example
sls create -t aws-nodejs
- specify your service name and comment out
npm i -S sls-api-decorators
Edit you plugins section and add typescript output folder.
# this will dynamically set the functions in serverless.yaml
- sls-api-decorators
# this will be your ts output folder
artifactsFolder: lib
create api/user/user.service.ts
The following will define a service with base path users that will expose two endpoints:
- users/
- users/error
The latter being to demostrate error throwing.
// user.service.ts
import {Service, Endpoint} from "sls-api-decorators";
// name of the service (not in the serverless meaning of service)
// will be used in the future for di purpose
name: 'userService',
// this will rapresent the base path for this service
// i.e.: http://localhost:8000/users
path: 'users',
// Allow xOrigin request [TBD]
xOrigin: true
class UserService {
constructor() { }
// name to reference this method in the serverless ecosystem
// i.e.: to be used with invoke command
name: 'hello',
// sub-path for this endpoint
// i.e.: http://localhost:8000/users/
path: '/',
// method to which this function should listen
// i.e.: 'get' or ['get', 'post'] [TBD]
method: 'get',
// this is just required from serverless-webpack plugin
integration: 'lambda'
public welcome(event) {
debug('Running welcome');
return { message: 'Go Serverless Webpack (Typescript) v1.0! Your function executed successfully!', event };
// demostrate use of path params and arguments injection
// arguments being injected from event.path
name: 'getById',
path: '/{id}',
method: 'get',
integration: 'lambda'
public getById(id) {
debug('Running get by id:', id);
return {
id: 'abc',
name: 'dcavaliere',
email: ''
name: 'error',
path: 'error',
method: 'get',
integration: 'lambda'
public error(event) {
debug('throwing an error');
// throwing an error will reject the lambda cb
throw new Error('something weird just happened');
export { UserService };
create api/app.ts
The following will expose the service to be used by serverless
this should be replaced in future versions by a DI system
// api/app.ts
import { Api } from 'sls-api-decorators/lib/application';
import { UserService } from './user/user.service';
import { User } from './user/user.model';
// used for DI purposes
name : 'app',
// need to define factories and servises
factories: [User],
services: [UserService]
export class App {
public services: any;
public factories: any;
constructor() {}
run tsc -w &
now you can call sls invoke local -f hello
or deploy with sls deploy
Please note if you use the example you need to provide your own service name.