
Permutation Mail Merge

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Permutation Mail Merge

Permutation Mail Merge is yet another example of recursion in PHP to achieve permutation (with order and without repetition).

Starting from the end, take a look at the output of the program to get an idea of what it does.

For a more detailed overview of Permutation Mail Merge, you can read the tutorial (also translated in Italian):

🇬🇧 Permutation with recursion in PHP

🇮🇹 Permutazione con ricorsione in PHP

Use Case

The use case of this program is a customized version of Mail Merge, which is an operation that combine a text (which we'll call text_base) with N contacts, inserting the contact in a position specified by a placeholder.

In our case, instead of having just 1 placeholder in the base_text, as in the classical Mail Merge, we have N placeholders in the base_text. The output is therfore a set of N! mails. Each position is marked in the base_text by a placeholder.

With the current variables, the software finds all the possible combinations of a work teams of 5 contacts (so N=5) and produces the mails that describe each team.

The draft of the mail with a description of the work team is the base_text where each contact role position is marked by a placeholder.

The output is a set of 120 mails (5!=120 ... woah, some confusion between the mathematical notation "5 factorial equals 120", and the PHP comparison "5 differs from 120"; this is the first), that will be returned as an array assembled_texts.

Technical notes

The program is educational; it's written using the programming language PHP and the output is pure HTML.

All the words marked as code in this README are declared as variables in the program. If a word is plural (with a final "s") it's an indication that the variable is an array.

The source of the program is in the /src/index.php file.

You can see a static version of the output of the program (formatted as a valid HTML) on a GitHub Pages site.

About Docker containers

A Docker Compose configuration (stack: "nginx" and "php-fpm") is included in the repository to allow you to execute the program without using your web server.

To execute the program with Docker Compose:

  • Install and activate Docker (if you haven't already)
  • Open the terminal
  • Execute a cd command in the main directory (the directory that contains the file docker-compose.yml).
  • Execute the command docker-compose up
  • Open your browser and go to the address http://localhost
