Repository of the project for Software Engineering for Autonomous System course

Primary LanguageJava

Waterworks Autonomous System

Project developed for the Software Engineering for Autonomous System course - University of L'Aquila

This repository contains the implementation of *Waterworks Autonomous System: Project developed for the Software Engineering for Autonomous System course - University of L'Aquila

Installation Requirements

  1. Install the latest version of Docker - https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/
  2. Install the latest version of Docker Compose (if not already installed) - https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/

Project Description

This project consists in a set of containers running in Docker and automatically configured using the file docker-compose.yml. In the following the description of them:

  • MAPE-K-Loop / Managing System containers
    • MAPE_MONITOR: The monitor has been realized using Telegraf. It gets the data from the MQTT Broker and store it in the knowledge (InfluxDB)
    • MAPE_ANALYZER: The analyzer is a Java application and it is contained in the ./water-system-analyzer/ subfolder.
    • MAPE_PLANNER: The planner is a Spring Boot Application and it is stored in the ./water-system-planner/ subfolder in this repo.
    • MAPE_PLANNER_PROACTIVE: The planner is a Spring Boot Application to and it is stored in the ./water-system-planner-advanced/ subfolder in this repo. On default this is commented in the docker-compose.yml file, if we want to use it instead of the default planner we can decomment this proactive service and commend the other one.
    • MAPE_EXECUTOR: This is a Java Application and it is stored under the path ./water-system-executor/.
    • KNOWLEDGE: The knowledge of the loop has been realized using InfluxDB (https://www.influxdata.com),
  • Managed System containers:
    • zone-simulator: A Java Application which simulate the sensors and actuators of the city zones.
  • Other services containers
    • grafana_container: A dashboard which allow us to graphically monitor the system and check if it is working properly.
    • mosquitto_container: The Mosquitto MQTT Broker which manages all the MQTT messages exchanged in the system (almost all the components communicate through MQTT protocol).

More informations on the documentation in this repo (Documentation.pdf).


The configuration of the system is mainly contained in the docker-compose.yml file. Be sure that all the exposed mapped ports are free on your environment:

  • 8081 for the Planner
  • 1883 and 9001 for Mosquitto MQTT Broker
  • 8086 for InfluxDB
  • 3000 for the Grafana dashboard

If you are not able to free all the listed ports, you can change the mapping in the compose file.

In addition, in this repo there are some files for configuration purposes which docker will map in the containers as volumes:

  • mosquitto.conf file is the configuration file for the Mosquitto Broker container
  • telegraf.conf file is the configuration file for Telegraf


First of all you have to open your terminal on this folder and build all the images running the following command:

docker-compose build

Then, you can run all the containers with the following command:

docker-compose up -d

If you want to stop all, you can use this:

docker-compose down


This project has been realized by: