About The Project

This is the project for the course Autonomous Software Agents. Here, it is reported the structure of the house.


The house is spread over two floors. The two parts of the house are connected by stairs placed in the middle. Each room of the house is connected to the other rooms by a door. Each room of the house has at least one window, except for the wine cellar, also each room is equipped with lighting.

The house is equipped with several devices, each of which has a specific function. The devices can be controlled remotely and they consume utilities. Devices can be controlled directly by residents or through an intelligent agent that can redirect requests or schedule tasks.

There is a house agent that can control almost all the devices, moreover in the house there is a planning agent (the vacuum cleaner). The planning agent is important because it has to achieve his goal using the best plan. In particular, for this house the planning agents are two vacuum cleaners, one for the ground floor and one for the first floor. It is important to say that the vacuum cleaner of the first floor can not go on the ground floor, it is the same for the other vacuum cleaner.

Getting Started

To set up and running this project locally you have to follow these simple steps.


  1. Clone the repo
    git clone https://github.com/davidelobba/ASA_Project_2021_2022.git
  2. Install NPM packages
    npm install chalk
  3. Now you are ready to run the code!

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You can decide which scenario to run. For example if you want to run Scenario1.js you have to run this from terminal:

cd .../src/house/
node.js scenario1.js

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Davide Lobba - @Linkedin - UniTn email - Personal email

Project Link: ASA project

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