
This is an old AutoHotKey script I made in 2018/2019 for the Virtual Reality Discord. Made for Rift CV1.

It allows you to take screenshots while in VR by holding both Trigger buttons and pressing the Thumbsticks. Oculus added a screenshot button a few months after this script, so there's no need for this anymore

How To Set Up

  • Install AHK (AutoHotKey) <- You're probably already here!
  • Right-click 'oculus-mirror-take-screenshot.ahk' and click on Edit Script
  • Edit the global variables at the top with your Oculus folder path and where you want your screenshots to be saved.
  • Save
  • Right-click 'oculus-mirror-take-screenshot.ahk' and click on Compile Script

How To Run

Simply run the compiled file everytime you need it.


Simply pull both Trigger buttons then swiftly press the Thumbsticks and release again. Pictures are saved as PNG.

How To Close

Tray > 'H' icon > Exit/Pause Script