
Distributed System 1 - Course project 2016-17

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Distributed key-value store with data partitioning and replication

This is the project of Distributed Systems 1, Fall Semester 2016-17, University of Trento.

The aim is to implement a distributes key-value store with automatic data partitioning and replication, inspired by Amazon DynamoDB. The full description of the project can be found in the project text and project presentation.

Authors: Andrea Zorzi & Davide Pedranz.


The software is written in Java and uses the Akka framework. We use Gradle to build, test and run the project. To build and run the project, you need only a working Java 8 JDK installed on the systems. For the first build, the needed dependecies are downloaded from the Internet, so make sure to have a working Internet connection.


Run the following command from the project root:

./gradlew node
./gradlew client

This command will generate 2 JAR archives build/libs/node.jar and build/libs/client.jar with all the dependencies needed to run the project.

Some parameters about the quorums, replication and timeouts are defined at compilation time, as required by the assignment. Please make sure to adjust them in the SystemConstants before compiling the code.


The project has 2 entry points:

  • Node
  • Client

The former is used to run a Node of the distributed database, the latter is used to query it. You need to provide the following environment variables:

Variable Scope Notes
HOST The hostname of the machine where Node or Client is executed.
PORT The port of the Node or the Client.
NODE_ID A unique ID for the new node that will join the system. Node only.
STORAGE_PATH The path where storage file for a Node will be saved. Node only. Optional, default /tmp.

To run the Node, run

java -jar build/libs/node.jar [COMMAND]

To run the Client, run

java -jar build/libs/client.jar [COMMAND]


The following example shows how to run the some nodes and make some queries. Please note that some operating system or shell could use a slightly different syntax for environment variables.

# bootstrap the system
HOST= PORT=20010 NODE_ID=10 java -jar build/libs/node.jar bootstrap

# add a new node
HOST= PORT=20020 NODE_ID=20 java -jar build/libs/node.jar join 20010

# add another node
HOST= PORT=20030 NODE_ID=30 java -jar build/libs/node.jar join 20010

# make a query (for a missing key)
HOST= PORT=30000 NODE_ID=0 java -jar build/libs/client.jar 20010 read 34

# make a query (write a key)
HOST= PORT=30000 NODE_ID=0 java -jar build/libs/client.jar 20020 write 34 hello

# make a node leave
HOST= PORT=30000 NODE_ID=0 java -jar build/libs/client.jar 20020 leave

# make a query (now the key should be present)
HOST= PORT=30000 NODE_ID=0 java -jar build/libs/client.jar 20030 read 34


The software contains assertions, in order to ensure a correct execution and catch bugs early. By default, Java disables all assertions. You can decide to enable them with the -ea option for the JVM:

java -ea -jar build/libs/node.jar [COMMAND]


We wrote some JUnit test cases to automatically test both Node and Client. You can run the test from the command line using Gradle:

./gradlew check

The command compiles the project and run all test cases. The result is shown in the standard output. Please note that many test cases will spawn many times multiple Akka actors on your machine, so the test suite can take some minutes to run.


The source code is licences under the MIT license. A copy of the license is available in the LICENSE file.