
Project of Web and Cloud Computing @ University of Groningen

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Docker Management Dashboard

This repository contains the project of the course Web and Cloud Computing (winter 2017-18, University of Groningen) for group 4:

  • Davide Pedranz (S3543757)
  • Francesco Segala (S3521885)
  • Yuying Andrew Chen (S3421902)

Repository Structure

Folder Content
architecture The folder contains the description of the initial architecture of the project.
frontend Implementation of the frontend using Angular 4 and Angular Material.
backend Implementation of the backend (and workers) using Play Framework and Scala.
traefik Configuration for the Traefik reverse proxy (in particular, TLS/SSL settings).
mongo-setup Script to setup the replica set for MongoDB at deployment time (+ Dockerfile to package it).
docker-socket-proxy Dockerfile for the socat container used as a proxy for the Docker UNIX socket.
gcp Contains a script to install and setup Docker on the virtual machines on Google Cloud Platform.
machines Vagrantfile and scripts to setup a local Docker Swarm cluster. This works, but was not used in the end, since we decided to deploy to Google Cloud Platform.
report LaTeX source for the final report.

Other interesting files are:

  • wacc-gcp.yml -> define the stack of the application and allows to deploy it with a single docker stack deploy command
  • Makefile -> define commands to compile and package all components of the application, push them to the Docker Registry and deploy the stack to Google Cloud Platform.
  • report.pdf -> final report



# install yarn
# https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install/

# use yarn instead of npm for Angular
ng set --global packageManager=yarn

Google Cloud Platform

In order to deploy to Google Cloud Platform, you need to correctly configure SSH. You can add the following snippet to the ~/.ssh/config file:

Host wacc0
    HostName <ip-node-0>
    User ubuntu
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/wacc

Host wacc1
    HostName <ip-node-1>
    User ubuntu 
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/wacc

Host wacc2
    HostName <ip-node-2>
    User ubuntu
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/wacc

Host wacc3
    HostName <ip-node-3> 
    User ubuntu
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/wacc

After spawning the needed machines, installed Docker, configured Swarm, you need to add some labels to Docker Swarm nodes. Login to wacc0 using SSH. Then run the following commands.

docker node update --label-add node=node0 node0
docker node update --label-add node=node1 node1
docker node update --label-add node=node2 node2
docker node update --label-add node=node3 node3

The last step is to create a folder to store the SSL certificates for Traefik. Login to wacc0 using SSH. Then run the following commands:

sudo mkdir /opt/traefik
sudo touch /opt/traefik/acme.json
sudo chmod 600 /opt/traefik/acme.json