- 3
- 2
proposal: Pass CoroutineExceptionHandler
#65 opened by hkusu - 4
- 3
bug: SSL server certificate not found on iOS
#63 opened by jvondermarck - 2
KMQTT BROKER - topicAliasMaximum set to 0 even when topicAliasMaximum is set on client.
#62 opened by nishankhadka09 - 1
Is it compatible with Android?
#70 opened by Robson96 - 4
JPMS support (JVM 9+)
#67 opened by miasma - 2
Kotlin native could not find "openssl"
#68 opened by ssuukk - 9
Kotlin native could not find "openssl"
#14 opened by FJerabek - 1
- 1
Can this support wasmJs?
#64 opened by LiePy - 5
ssl server certificate not found (IOS only)
#30 opened by AhmedX6 - 2
- 1
onDisconnected is not called
#58 opened by sickkick - 3
KMQTT Broker - Port is not released when Broker fails to initialise in TLS mode
#56 opened by nishankhadka09 - 1
KMQTT Broker - Provide a method to add SecretKeyFactory algorithm to decrypt the PKCS12 file if device doesn't have it by default.
#55 opened by nishankhadka09 - 2
Bug in ConnectFlags.connectFlags(byte: Int)
#54 opened by mice777 - 4
KMQTT Broker: Any way to know if the broker has been started or stopped adter broker.listen() or broker.stop() gets executed? Something like a listener ??
#50 opened by nishankhadka09 - 1
Support for insecure connections
#53 opened by yschimke - 8
- 1
Auto reconnect
#51 opened by mathankumar-dotworld - 2
Ability to subscribe after broker connected
#49 opened by RogerKoh - 4
kmqtt-broker - Error on TLS : Unable to parse TLS packet header
#48 opened by nishankhadka09 - 3
Can the broker host address be changed
#45 opened by nishankhadka09 - 6
Recurring crash of Client on JVM
#19 opened by alkurop - 2
Delay in Publishing message
#44 opened by AhmedX6 - 6
- 1
Socket connection error on windows native
#42 opened by AlessandroColi - 5
Delay in receiving published messages
#40 opened by deena-philip - 6
java.nio.BufferOverflowException when calling
#34 opened by growse - 5
Expose the list of the connected client IDs
#37 opened by leinardi - 2
callback for connect / disconnect & manage LWT
#26 opened by AhmedX6 - 2
Is it possible to add a path in MqttClient?
#35 opened by RobinChien - 2
Provide the Client ID inside MQTTDisconnect
#36 opened by leinardi - 12
Error in recv: 9 on disconnect()
#33 opened by KirkBushman - 1
Source and JavaDoc missing from JVM artifacts
#32 opened by leinardi - 4
- 6
connect to activemq
#24 opened by AhmedX6 - 3
Artifact publication on Maven Central?
#27 opened by ptitjes - 0
no default value for publishReceived
#25 opened by bigcat26 - 1
Seeking help
#20 opened by buhuiming - 4
Unable to import MQTTClient in KMM project
#23 opened by bigcat26 - 5
- 4
Can't use client library for macos arm 64
#18 opened by alkurop - 19
Can't download iOS dependencies (KMM)
#17 opened by ruicanas - 2
- 1
Can we compile this code for android and iOS ?
#12 opened by sadaqatdev - 7
#11 opened by Z0lid - 1
- 4