
Anchor Smart Contract for "creating a waffle" on chain (Solana)

Primary LanguageRust


Creates Waffle 🧇

Prequisites ✍️

  1. Rust (rustup 1.26.0)

    Install Rust

  2. Solana CLI (solana-cli 1.16.7)

    Install the Solana Tool Suite | Solana Docs

  3. Anchor CLI (anchor-cli 0.28.0)

    Installation - Docs

  4. yarn

    # Using npm global dependencies.
    npm install -g yarn
    # Using homebrew on Mac.
    brew install yarn
    # Using apt on Linux
    apt install yarn

Code 💻

  • Anchor Program Setup

    1. Initialize

      anchor init waffle-maker
    2. Change Cluster to Localnet

      solana config set --url localhost
    3. Build and Deploy (Don’t forget to cd into the directory)

      anchor build

      Run solana-test-validator in another terminal, before running below command, only if you are on localhost

      anchor deploy
    4. Replace program id in lib.rs and Anchor.toml

    5. Anchor Test

      anchor test
  • Program

    In waffle-maker/programs/waffle-maker/src/lib.rs , Remove struct Initialize and the function initialize

    1. Waffle Account : We define a Waffle struct and declare it as an account using #[account] provided by Anchor. We will store author’s Public Key, timestamp and the topic of the waffle in this Account.

      pub struct Waffle {
          pub author: Pubkey,
          pub name: String,
    2. Rent and Size of Waffle: We have to calculate the size of the Waffle Account as we will be paying Rent to store our account on chain.

    • Discriminator is always added before every Account, to define which Account it is.

    • Rest others are the sizes of the respective fields of the Waffle Account.

    • In an Account, there should be a 4 byte extra space for any String, if present. This extra space defines the length of the String.

    • Right now, we have not defined the space for name as it will be dynamic based on user inputs.

      const DISCRIMINATOR_LENGTH: usize = 8;
      const PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH: usize = 32;
      const STRING_LENGTH_PREFIX: usize = 4; 
    1. Implementation Block for Waffle:

      impl blocks of a struct stores all the functions and constants related to that struct. We have calculated the length of the Waffle account. There is also a function new which creates an instance of the Waffle account. These will be handy when we write the CreateWaffle instruction.

      impl Waffle {
          pub const LEN: usize = DISCRIMINATOR_LENGTH
              + PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH
              + STRING_LENGTH_PREFIX;
          pub fn new(author: Pubkey, name: String) -> Self {
              Waffle {
    2. Create Waffle instruction: In Anchor, we need to define a struct for every instruction, it contains all accounts, programs associated with the instruction and the signer. Here:

    • waffle is an Account of type Waffle

    • author is the Signer (An Anchor Type)

    • system_program is Program , it has instructions to create an Account, as we will be creating the Waffle account, we have to include system_program

    • <'info> is a lifetime, it means that all the contents will have the same lifetime as CreateWaffle

      pub struct CreateWaffle<'info> {
          pub waffle: Account<'info, Waffle>,
          pub author: Signer<'info>,
          pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,
    1. Account Constraints: We need to still add some constraints inside the CreateWaffle function.
    • waffle account gets init_if_needed as a constraint as it will be initialized the first time and also if we re-intialize it again, it wont do. We also define who will be paying to create this account i.e. author . And finally we allot the space required for the account using Waffle::LEN() + name.len(). Waffle::Len() is from the impl block which we wrote before. name comes from the user and to add that in the instruction struct we use #[instruction(name: String)]. seeds constraint is used for Program Derived Address, it takes “waffle” and the name of the waffle. To make an account a PDA, you need seeds.

    • author is given mut as constraint as when it pays for the account creation, some Sol will be deducted and hence this account has to be mutable.

      #[instruction(name: String)]
      pub struct CreateWaffle<'info> {
              payer = author, 
              space = Waffle::LEN + name.len(),
              seeds = [b"waffle", name.as_bytes()], 
          pub waffle: Account<'info, Waffle>,
          pub author: Signer<'info>,
          pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,
    1. To add init_if_needed as a feature, in waffle-maker/programs/waffle-maker/Cargo.toml

      anchor-lang = {version = "0.28.0", features = ["init-if-needed"]}
    2. Implementing CreateWaffle function (Should be added inside mod waffle_maker ) : This is the function which gets called when we create a waffle, it takes CreateWaffle struct as Context .

      pub fn create_waffle (ctx: Context<CreateWaffle>, name: String) -> Result<()> {
    3. Define Errors (Outside mod waffle_maker ): This enum will be handy to check errors.

      pub enum WaffleError {
          #[msg("Waffle name can be 30 characters long.")]
          #[msg("You need to name the Waffle.")]
    4. Handle Errors (Inside create_waffle function) : We check for errors and accordingly take actions.

      require!(name.chars().count() > 30, WaffleError::NameTooLong);
      require!(name.chars().count() < 1, WaffleError::NameEmpty);
    5. Assign value (Inside create_waffle function) : After error checking, we assign value inside the waffle account.

      ctx.accounts.waffle.author = ctx.accounts.author.key();
      ctx.accounts.waffle.name = name;
    6. Adding a log message

      msg!("Waffle {} created", &ctx.accounts.waffle.name);
    7. Switch to Devent

      solana config set --url devnet

      In waffle-maker/Anchor.toml replace cluster to Devnet

      cluster = "Devnet"

      Also add

      waffle_maker = <program-id-in-string>
    8. Anchor Build and Deploy

      anchor build
      anchor deploy
    9. Copy the IDL file waffle-maker/target/idl/waffle_maker.json

  • Whole Code


    use anchor_lang::prelude::*;
    pub mod waffle_maker {
        use super::*;
        pub fn create_waffle (ctx: Context<CreateWaffle>, name: String) -> Result<()> {
            require!(name.chars().count() < 30, WaffleError::NameTooLong);
            require!(name.chars().count() > 1, WaffleError::NameEmpty);
            ctx.accounts.waffle.author = ctx.accounts.author.key();
            ctx.accounts.waffle.name = name;
            msg!("Waffle {} created", &ctx.accounts.waffle.name);
    pub struct Waffle {
        pub author: Pubkey,
        pub name: String,
    const DISCRIMINATOR_LENGTH: usize = 8;
    const PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH: usize = 32;
    const STRING_LENGTH_PREFIX: usize = 4; 
    impl Waffle {
        pub const LEN: usize = DISCRIMINATOR_LENGTH
            + PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH
        pub fn new(author: Pubkey, name: String) -> Self {
            Waffle {
    #[instruction(name: String)]
    pub struct CreateWaffle<'info> {
            payer = author, 
            space = Waffle::LEN + name.len(),
            seeds = [b"waffle", name.as_bytes()],
        pub waffle: Account<'info, Waffle>,
        pub author: Signer<'info>,
        pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,
    pub enum WaffleError {
        #[msg("Waffle name can be 30 characters long.")]
        #[msg("You need to name the Waffle.")]