My ThreeJs Journey

💜 Tank you Bruno!

In this course I learned threejs from scratch.

⚙️ In each branch there is a project of the course.


  1. Basics
  • Transform objects
  • Animations
  • Cameras
  • Full screen and resizing
  • Geometries
  • Debug UI
  • Textures
  • Materials
  • 3D Text
  1. Classic techniques
  • Lights
  • Shadows
  • Particles
  • Haunted house
  • Galaxy generator
  • Scroll based animation
  1. Advanced techniques
  • Physics
  • Imported models
  • Raycaster & Mouse events
  • Custom models w/Blender
  • Realistic render
  • Code structuring for bigger projects
  1. Shaders
  • Shaders
  • Shader patterns
  • Raging sea
  • Animated Galaxy
  • Modified materials
  • Coffee smoke
  • Hologram
  • Fireworks
  1. Extra
  • Post processing
  • Performance tips
  • Intro & Loading progress
  • Mixing HTML & WebGL
  1. Portal scene
  • Portal scene
  1. React Three Fiber
  • First application
  • Drei
  • Debug
  • Environment & Staging
  • Load models
  • 3D Text
  • Portal scene
  • Mouse events
  • Post processing
  • Fun and simple portfolio
  • Physics
  • Create a game