
Javascript: create click event for both mouse and touch

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Configurable vanilla handler for clicks, double-clicks, and/or long-clicks that works for both mouse and touch

changes in version 4

  • ported code to typescript
  • added options.mouse to select which mouse buttons are active (if any)
  • added options.touch to select whether touch is active and how many touch points are allowed
  • removed rollup and compiled using tsc
  • improved demo


import { clicked } from 'clicked'


const clicked = require('clicked').clicked




I wanted to create a vanilla javascript way to handle mouse and touch clicks, double-clicks, and long-clicks.


import { clicked } from 'clicked'

function handleClick()
   console.log('I was clicked.')
const div = document.getElementById('clickme')
const c = clicked(div, handleClick, { threshold: 15 })

// change callback
c.callback = () => console.log('different clicker')

// destroy

// using built-in querySelector
clicked('#clickme', handleClick2)

// support for all types of clicks
function handleAllClicks(e) {
    switch (e.type)
        case 'clicked': ...
        case 'double-clicked': ...
        case 'long-clicked': ...
    // view UIEvent that caused callback
clicked('#clickme', handleAllClicks, { doubleClick: true, longClick: true })


clicked(element, callback, options) : Clicked

creates Clicked object for element

name type default description
element HTMLElement or string element or querySelector entry (e.g., #id-name or .class-name)
callback ClickedCallback callback called after clicked
[options] object optional options
[options].clicked boolean true dispatch event for clicked
[options].threshold number 10 threshold of movement to cancel all events
[options.mouse] boolean or 'left' or 'right' 'middle' or 'left-right' or 'left-middle' or 'right-middle' true whether to listen for mouse events; can also be used to set which mouse buttons are active
[options.touch] boolean or number 1 whether to listen for touch events; can also be used to set the number of touch points to accept
[options.doubleClick] boolean false dispatch events for double click
[options.doubleClickTime]] number 500 wait time in millseconds for double click
[options.longClick]] boolean false enable watcher for long click
[options.longClickTime]] boolean 500 wait time for long click
[options.clickDown] boolean dispatch event for click down (ie, after touchstart or mousedown callback will be called with type 'click-down')
[options.capture] boolean false events will be dispatched to this registered listener before being dispatched to any EventTarget beneath it in the DOM tree


returned by clicked(...)


removes event listeners on element

Clicked.callback (function): ClickedCallback

name type description
event MouseEvent or TouchEvent mouse or touch event that triggered callback
type 'clicked' or 'double-clicked' or 'long-clicked' or 'click-down' type of click


cancel any outstanding events


yarn demo

Open browser to https://localhost:1234/


MIT License
(c) 2020 YOPEY YOPEY LLC by David Figatner