
A simple auth library for Asp.Net 6 that provides a set of web api controllers and minimal api endpoints to handle authentication actions

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


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A simple jwt authentication library for ASP.Net 6. AuthEndpoints library provides a set of Web API controllers and minimal api endpoints to handle basic web & JWT authentication actions such as registration, email verification, reset password, create jwt, etc. It works with custom identity user model. AuthEndpoints is built with the aim of increasing developer productivity.


  • Supported endpoints:
    • sign-up
    • sign-in (create jwt)
    • email verification
    • refresh jwt
    • verify jwt
    • user profile (retrieving)
    • reset password
    • change password
    • enable 2fa & login 2fa (via email)
  • JWT support
  • Works with a symmetric key (shared secret) or asymmetric keys (the private key of a private–public pair).
  • Works with custom identity user

Current limitations

  • Only works with IdentityUser or custom identity user
  • No session based auth support
  • 2fa via email

Installing via NuGet

The easiest way to install AuthEndpoints is via NuGet

Install the library using the following .net cli command:

dotnet add package AuthEndpoints

or in Visual Studio's Package Manager Console, enter the following command:

Install-Package AuthEndpoints

Quick start

Edit Program.cs, then add the required services:

builder.Services.AddDbContext<MyDbContext>(options => { });

then add auth endpoints services and enable jwt bearer authentication

  .AddAuthEndpoints<string, MyCustomIdentityUser>() // Use the default and minimum config

Map endpoints using the controller

public class MyBaseAuthController : BasicAuthenticationController<string, MyCustomIdentityUser>

public class MyJwtController : JwtController<string, MyCustomIdentityUser>

public class MyTwoFactorController : TwoStepVerificationController<string, MyCustomIdentityUser>


Map endpoints using the minimal api

Install AuthEndpoints.MinimalApi package, then edit Program.cs:

  .AddAuthEndpoints<string, MyCustomIdentityUser>()
  .AddAllEndpointDefinitions() // add basic auth, jwt, 2fa endpoints

var app = builder.Build();




app.MapAuthEndpoints(); // Map minimal api endpoints


Checkout docs for more info.


Documentation is available at https://madeyoga.github.io/AuthEndpoints/ and in docs directory.


Your contributions are always welcome! simply send a pull request! The up-for-grabs label is a great place to start. If you find a flaw, please open an issue or a PR and let's sort things out.

The documentation is far from perfect so every bit of help is more than welcome.