
These are my assignments and projects done during the ITC course. As you can see, my coding skilled improved project by project.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ITC assignments and projects

These are my assignments and projects done during the ITC course. Hopefully, my code will improve every week.


The goal of the precourse was to do a simple HTML/CSS website. I had to do my autobiographie.


  • First Steps in Web Developement

Assignement 1 - HTML/CSS

(Time to do it : 4 days) The goal of assignment 1 was to copy a layout from a Figma complex design only by using html/css.


  • HTML / CSS
  • Responsive design
  • Flexbox

Assignment 2 - Javascript - Fibonacci Project

(Time to do it : 13 days) The objective of the second project was to create our first front-end website capable of calculating the Fibonacci value of a certain number locally or from a request to a server. We also needed to retrieve the history of previous calculated values requested from the server and display them as a list.

In addition, for the advanced students, we took our first steps into the back-end. We had to create the fibonacci server which should be able to do the following things:

  • Fulfill the client's request to calculate the fibonacci value and return it to the client.
  • Save the request in a MongoDB database.
  • Send the history of the client old queries.



  • Javscript
  • async/await and Promises
  • Bootstrap


  • NodeJS
  • MongoDB

Assignment 3 - Javascript - Stock Exchange Project

(Time to do it : 10 days) This is second and last project of building a simple js website before start learning React. The objective of the project is to build a multipage stock exchange data website. It is based on Financial Modeling Prep - FinancialModelingPrep, you can find all of the API endpoints here: Free Stock API and Financial Statements API - FMP API. This project was aimed to train on intermediaire js subjects.


  • API
  • OOP
  • Class
  • Callbacks
  • Scope
  • Closure
  • Modules

Assignment 4 - React - Notes App

(Time to do it : 6 days)

This is our first react project ! The goal of this project is to create a note app. One can create, add, change and delete notes. The website is mobile responsive and uses localforage to keep your notes saved even after you quit the website.

Cool features :

  • Color the notes
  • smooth animation when switching between current and archives notes
  • Notification compatible with mobile and saved in the localforage
  • Drag N Drop
  • Different style if desktop or mobile
  • Always keep track of your archives thanks to the sidebar

Hope you'll enjoy playing around with it !


  • Class and function components
  • States and props
  • Lifting state up
  • Lists and keys
  • React Modal elements
  • localforage
  • Netlify
  • mui.com

Assignment 5 - MERN - Pet Shop App

(Time to do it : 20 days)

In this final project, the aim is to build a complete pet adoption platform with search, user/adoption management and administration dashboard. The platform needs to be able to allow users to register, search and adopt pets.

To bring a geeky feel to the project. I personally decided that the pets should be Pokemon from the Pokemon universe


  • Javascript
  • redux
  • mui
  • react router v6
  • NodeJS
  • JWT token in cookie
  • cloudinary
  • MongoDB with mongoose