
🧮 Open and local-first data hub for Filecoin!

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

🗂️ Filecoin Data Portal


Open, serverless, and local friendly Data Platform for the Filecoin Ecosystem. Seamlessly access the data you need to drive the community forward!


🚀 Powering

📂 Data

The data lives at https://filecoindataportal.davidgasquez.com/data, which points to the IPFS CID available in this repository and also available at the ipns://k51qzi5uqu5dh0eqsyw9shepsspstaduq8lgnept49epxvo4t8qfi6ridcmt8k IPNS address.


📖 Overview

This repository contains code and artifacts to process Filecoin data from diverse sources (on-chain and off-chain). It is an instance of Datadex.

📦 Key Features

  • Open
    • All code and data are open source.
    • Utilizes open standards and formats within the Arrow ecosystem.
  • Permissionless Collaboration
    • Collaborate on data, models, and pipelines like Dune, but with open-source freedom.
    • No constraints from private APIs or platform lock-ins.
    • Enjoy full Git features such as branching, merging, and pull requests.
  • Decentralization Options
    • Run the project on a laptop, server, CI runner, or even on decentralized compute networks like Bacalhau.
    • No local setup required; it even works seamlessly in GitHub Codespaces.
    • Data is stored in IPFS, where datasets will become more distributed as more users run it.
    • Multiple data sources and flexible exposure options.
  • Data as Code
    • Each commit generates and pushes all table files to IPFS.
    • Easily access historical data snapshots.
    • Declarative and stateless transformations tracked in git.
    • Static dashboards and reports available at the Filecoin Data Portal.
  • Modular Flexibility
    • Replace, extend, or remove individual components.
    • Works across various environments (laptop, cluster, browser).
    • Compatible with tons of tools. At the end of the day, tables are Parquet/CSV files.
  • Low Friction Data Usage
    • Raw and processed data is available to anyone on IPFS. Use whatever tool you want!
    • Get started with simple actions like pasting a SQL query in your browser or using pd.read_parquet(url) in a Notebook.
    • Static Quarto Notebooks with embedded datasets are generated with every commit, serving as documentation or a simple reporting/dashboarding layer.
  • Modern Data Engineering
    • Supports data engineering essentials such as typing, testing, materialized views, and development branches.
    • Utilizes best practices, including declarative transformations, and utilizes state-of-the-art tools like DuckDB.

🛠️ Contributing

This project is in active development. You can help by giving ideas, answering questions, reporting bugs, proposing enhancements, improving the documentation, and fixing bugs. Feel free to open issues and pull requests!

Some ways you can contribute to this project:

  • Adding new data sources.
  • Improving the data quality of existing datasets.
  • Adding tests to the data pipelines.

⚙️ Development

You can run the Filecoin Data Portal locally using Python Virtual Environment or VSCode Development Containers. You'll need the following secrets in your environment:

  • A SPACESCOPE_TOKEN to access Spacescope API.
  • A DATABRICKS_SERVER_HOSTNAME for connecting to Databricks.
  • A DATABRICKS_HTTP_PATH for the Databricks environment.
  • A DATABRICKS_ACCESS_TOKEN for authentication with Databricks.
  • A DUNE_API_KEY for accessing Dune Analytics.

🐍 Python Virtual Environment

Clone the repository and run the following commands (or make setup) from the root folder:

# Create a virtual environment
pip install uv && uv venv

# Install the package and dependencies
uv pip install -U -e .[dev]

Now, you should be able to spin up Dagster UI (make dev) and access it locally.

🐳 Dev Container

You can jump into the repository Development Container. Once inside the develpment environment, you'll only need to run make dev to spin up the Dagster UI locally. The development environment can also run in your browser thanks to GitHub Codespaces!

Development Container Badge

📝 License