A market place where vendors can come together to sell their products.
Click in the link below to buy:
➡️The Marketplace ⬅️
Check the flow diagrams in the link below:
➡️ Diagrams ⬅️
Problem: Create a marketplace from scratch
Problem Analysis:
- Create a platform for buy and sell products.
- Create a dashboard to manage products.
- Create account and login for two types of user: buyer and seller.
- Simulation of purchase process using credit card and debit card.
- password
- name
- last name
- buyer / seller
- password
- name
- image (1 or more)
- sku
- price
- description
- stock
- name
- credit card / debit card
- card number
- expired date
- security number
You can check out the figma design in the link below:
For more information click in the link below
- Login
- Add new account
- User can sell and buy
- Buying process
- Add new products
Our API was deployed in heroku, below you will find the used endpoints
get roles https://marketplace-platzi.herokuapp.com/rol
register user https://marketplace-platzi.herokuapp.com/auth/register
login https://marketplace-platzi.herokuapp.com/auth/login
payment https://marketplace-platzi.herokuapp.com/payment/process
To clone and run this application, you'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer. From your command line:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/davidevOS/the-market-place/
# Go into the repository
$ cd the-market-place
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
# Run the app
$ npm start
David Galeano - Frontend developer
Denisse Rivas - Frontend developer
Ithzamary Vilchis García - Frontend developer
Andres Ayala - Backend developer
Diego A. Cruz Triana - Backend developer