
ConvFinQAInsights is a GitHub repository focused on analyzing financial question-answering (FinQA) models using conversational AI techniques. It includes tools for data preprocessing, model evaluation, performance analysis, and a research document detailing key findings, along with instructions for replicating the experiments.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


ConvFinQAInsights is a repository aimed at providing insights into financial question answering (FinQA) models using conversational AI techniques. The repository contains code for data preprocessing, model evaluation, and performance analysis. Additionally, it includes a research document detailing the findings and implications of the analysis, along with instructions on replicating the experiments.



  • Data Preprocessing: Efficient mechanisms for preprocessing financial data, including parsing, cleaning, and formatting.
  • Model Evaluation: Evaluation scripts for assessing the performance of FinQA models against annotated datasets.
  • Performance Analysis: Tools for analyzing model performance metrics and generating insightful visualizations.
  • Research Document: A comprehensive research document summarizing key findings, implications, and recommendations based on the analysis.

Getting Started


Before running the code, ensure you have the following dependencies installed:

  • Python 3.x
  • Required Python packages (install via pip): anthropic, openai, requests, numpy, glob, hashlib, json, math, re


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/your-username/ConvFinQAInsights.git
    cd ConvFinQAInsights
  2. Install the required packages:

    pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Data Parsing: The first step is to parse the FinQA dataset using the script 01_parse_finqa_data.py. This script combines the train.json and dev.json data files from the original dataset. This merging process ensures correct handling for subsequent analysis. Run the following command to execute the parsing script:

    python 01_parse_finqa_data.py
  2. Data Enrichment: After parsing the dataset, enrich the FinQA data using Anthropic and OpenAI models. Two scripts handle this enrichment process:

    • 02_enrich_finqa_data_anthropic.py: Enriches the dataset using Anthropic models.
    • 03_enrich_finqa_data_openai.py: Enriches the dataset using OpenAI's GPT-4 model. These scripts can be run in parallel to expedite the enrichment process.
    python 02_enrich_finqa_data_anthropic.py
    python 03_enrich_finqa_data_openai.py
  3. Results Analysis: Once the data enrichment is complete, analyze the results for accuracy using the script 04_plot_finqa_results.py. This script plots the FinQA model performance metrics and generates insightful visualizations for analysis.

    python 04_plot_finqa_results.py

By following the numerical order (01, 02, 03, 04), you ensure a systematic and streamlined execution of the entire FinQA analysis pipeline, from data parsing to results analysis.

  1. Research Document: Read the research document Tomoro AI - Insights from the ConvFinQA Dataset.pdf for detailed insights, findings, and recommendations.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


  • Special thanks to Anthropic and OpenAI for providing access to their AI models and APIs.