
Statsd community cookbook

Primary LanguageRuby


Installs and configures Statsd (http://github.com/etsy/statsd)


Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty)


  • statsd/port : The port for Statsd to listen for stats on.
  • statsd/graphite_host : The host to forward processed statistics to.
  • statsd/graphite_port : The port to forward processed statistics to.
  • statsd/package_version : The version to use when creating the package. Defaults to 0.0.3
  • statsd/tmp_dir : The temporary directory to while building the package
  • statsd/repo : The gitrepo to use "git://github.com/etsy/statsd.git"
  • statsd/sha : The sha checksum of the repo to use


Include the statsd recipe, which will checkout Statsd from git, build a Debian package from it, and then install the package. Statsd is run under a "statsd" system user.

By default statsd will attempt to send statistics to a graphite instance running on localhost, which can be configured using the Graphite cookbook at http://community.opscode.com/cookbooks/graphite.


This cookbook has only been tested on Ubuntu Natty (11.04). That is due to it using the "nodejs" package rather then attempting to build Node from source.