How to deal with real industry crowdfunding issues with smart contracts
If you're using intellij as IDE, you should install solidity plugin. Also exists plugins for VSCode.
We should compile before running any test on internal network
- Ganache/TestRPC => to create our local blockchain where we could deploy the bytecode from compiled .sol
- Web3: another result from our compiled .sol is the ABI.. which allows through web3 with the code deployed into the block chain
- Please READ FIRST all documentation bellow.
- You can run the deploying contract script using node in your local.
- Once your contract can be deployed you can check it ( using the address that was logged after run the script) into, there you can see your contract deployed.
- You can take a look on using web3 as network and connect you test account to check your contract.
NOT USE A REAL ACCOUNT WITH REAL ETH => if you don't want to expend real money
Allows us through API to access a node to deploy a contract; then there it will be replicated to the EN ( Rinkeby or whatever we use for testing purpose.)
- You should create an account within
- Create a project, BE SURE to choose a test nw if you don't want to expend real ETh
- As we should have a test account to create contracts And we should add it our 12 words, add .env ( install dotenv ) file with a variable ACCOUNT_MNEMONIC, then there load your 12 words
- We install also
npm i @truffle/hdwallet-provider
as we'll need to create a provider. - This is not needed when we run the tests)
- This is needed to connect to the EN and provide the account and Eth to the transaction needed to deploy our contracts)