An implementation of Joe and Simpson's visibility polygon algorithm.
It solves the following problem in O(n) time and space which has been shown to be asymptotically optimal.
Problem Statement. Given a viewpoint z
inside of a simple polygon P
with n
vertices, we want to compute the visibility polygon VP(P, z)
, which consists of all points in P
visible from the viewpoint z
. We say that point p
is visible from point q
(and conversely, q
is visible from p
) if and only if the line segment pq
lies completely in P
- General position is not assumed meaning that inputs with three collinear points and/or four cocircular points are handled correctly.
- Viewpoints can lie in the polygon's interior, on an edge, or on a vertex.
- The polygon has to be simple, the algorithm doesn't work with "obstacles" inside of the polygon.
- This implementation is for educational purposes only, production level code can be found at CGAL.
- See my blogpost for more information.
// initialize polygon vertices in CCW order
List<Point2D> vertices = new ArrayList<>();
vertices.add(new Point2D.Double(-2, 2));
vertices.add(new Point2D.Double(6, 2));
vertices.add(new Point2D.Double(4, 6));
vertices.add(new Point2D.Double(1, 4));
vertices.add(new Point2D.Double(-1, 6));
vertices.add(new Point2D.Double(-2, 4));
// initialize polygon
CCWPolygon pol = new CCWPolygon(vertices);
// initialize viewpoint
Point2D z = new Point2D.Double(4, 4);
// VP contains the visibility polygon from z in pol in CCW order.
CCWPolygon VP = VisibilityPolygon.computeVisPol(pol, z);