- 4
Compilation Error: 'png.h' file not found when installing 'rvg' package on macOS
#55 opened by nakashimatakaya - 0
dml() interacting with ggtext() elements
#57 opened by nickjparkinson - 1
- 0
- 4
Question: body_add_vg is defunct
#36 opened by cvanderaa - 0
- 0
- 2
Problem while saving pptx with dml objects inside
#51 opened by jj-9 - 1
- 3
Memory allocation failed : growing nodeset hit limit
#29 opened by DrRZ - 2
Text width / inaccurate justification in SVG
#10 opened by econandrew - 2
- 1
transparent holes
#50 opened by davidgohel - 3
Misaligned text in PowerPoint / RStudio Server
#45 opened by pteridin - 1
transparent background
#24 opened by davidgohel - 5
- 3
`ggplot2` charts have bolded text when using some templates and `rvg::dml`
#44 opened by daviddiviny - 15
- 3
- 1
dml_docx for vector graphics ggplot in docx
#37 opened by emmacwx1 - 1
- 1
- 4
- 11
issue with systemfonts
#33 opened by ZhangAngus - 3
Error in UseMethod("ph_with", value)
#34 opened by GithubRplots - 7
- 7
- 0
- 2
R markdown workflow for PPT
#26 opened by noamross - 5
Install issue with Mac OS (High Sierra)
#15 opened by md0u80c9 - 5
xl_add_vg fails when there are 2 sheets
#23 opened by kjellpk - 3
ph_with_vg and geom_sf
#21 opened - 2
R specific or extendable to other languages
#22 opened by fdroessler - 13
- 3
plotmath expressions for pptx()
#19 opened by davidgohel - 1
Alignment of the legend entries
#18 opened by davidgohel - 3
- 3
ph_with_vg causes error in pptx
#14 opened by rlusch - 13
Minimal vg example hanging R
#13 opened by smyth7 - 1
body_add_vg() breaking up some tableGrobs
#12 opened by muranyia - 5
adding Knitr output file (PDF) as graphic
#11 opened by Tlopasha - 3
- 0
possible TODO
#3 opened by hrbrmstr - 2
Crash when clipping
#7 opened by davidgohel - 7
Issues with rvg and ggplot2
#5 opened by itsdalmo - 4
Installation problem
#2 opened by Nicolabo - 21
Combine efforts with RSvgDevice?
#1 opened by hadley