
new reading environment for version 5.0 of the Perseus Digital Library

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

Scaife Viewer

The new reading environment for version 5.0 of the Perseus Digital Library.

This repository is part of the Scaife Viewer project, an open-source ecosystem for building rich online reading environments.

Getting Started with Local Development


  • Python 3.6.x
  • Node 11.7
  • PostgreSQL 9.6
  • Elasticsearch 6

First, install and run Elasticsearch on port 9200. If you're on a Mac, we recommend using brew for this:

brew install elasticsearch
brew services start elasticsearch

Then, set up a postgres database to use for local development:

createdb scaife-viewer

This assumes your local PostgreSQL is configured to allow your user to create databases. If this is not the case you might be able to create the user yourself:

createuser --username=postgres --superuser $(whoami)

Create a virtual environment. Then, install the Node and Python dependencies:

npm install
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

Set up the database:

python manage.py migrate
python manage.py loaddata sites

Seed the text inventory to speed up local development:


You should now be set to run the static build pipeline and hot module reloading:

npm start

In another terminal, collect the static files and then start runserver:

python manage.py collectstatic --noinput
python manage.py runserver

Browse to http://localhost:8000/.

Note that, although running Scaife locally, this is relying on the Nautilus server at https://scaife-cts-dev.perseus.org to retrieve texts.


You can run the Vue unit tests, via:

npm run unit

Cross-browser testing is provided by BrowserStack through their open source program.


Before you work with translations, you will need gettext installed.


brew install gettext
export PATH="$PATH:$(brew --prefix gettext)/bin"

To prepare messages:

python manage.py makemessages --all

If you need to add a language; add it to LANGUAGES in settings.py and run:

python manage.py makemessages --locale <lang>

Hosting Off-Root

If you need to host at a place other than root, for example, if you need to have a proxy serve at some path off your domain like http://yourdomain.com/perseus/, you'll need to do the following:

  1. Set the environment variable, FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME to point to your script:
    export FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME=/perseus  # this front slash is important
  1. Make sure this is set prior to running npm run build as well as prior to and part of your wsgi startup environment.

  2. Then, you just set your proxy to point to the location of where your wsgi server is running. For example, if you are running wsgi on port 8000 you can have this snippet inside your nginx config for the server:

    location /perseus/ {
        proxy_pass        http://localhost:8000/;

That should be all you need to do.

Deploying via Docker

A sample docker-compose configuration is available at deploy/docker-compose.yml.

Copy .env.example and customize environment variables for your deployment:

cp deploy/.env.example deploy/.env

To build the Docker image and bring up the scaife-viewer, sv-postgres and sv-elasticsearch services in the background:

docker-compose -f deploy/docker-compose.yml up --build -d

Tail logs via:

docker-compose -f deploy/docker-compose.yml logs --follow

To host the application off-root using docker-compose, you'll need to ensure that the scaife-viewer Docker image is built with the FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME build arg:

docker-compose -f deploy/docker-compose.yml build --build-arg FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME=/<your-off-root-path>

You'll also need to ensure that FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME exists in deploy/.env:

echo "FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME=/<your-off-root-path>" >> deploy/.env

Then, bring up all services:

docker-compose -f deploy/docker-compose.yml up -d

Using Docker for development

The project also includes Dockerfile-dev and Dockerfile-webpack images which can be used with Docker Compose to facilitate development.

First, copy .env.example and customize environment variables for development:

cp deploy/.env.example deploy/.env

Then build the images and spin up the containers:

docker-compose -f deploy/docker-compose.yml -f deploy/docker-compose.override.yml up --build

To run only the scaife-viewer, sv-webpack, and sv-postgres services, set the USE_ELASTICSEARCH_SERVICE environment variable in docker-compose.override.yml to 0, and then run:

docker-compose -f deploy/docker-compose.yml -f deploy/docker-compose.override.yml up --build scaife-viewer sv-webpack sv-postgres

To run the indexer command:

docker-compose -f deploy/docker-compose.yml -f deploy/docker-compose.override.yml exec scaife-viewer python manage.py indexer

API Library Cache

The client-side currently caches the results of library/json/. The cache is automatically invalidated every 24 hours. You can manually invalidate it by bumping the LIBRARY_VIEW_API_VERSION environment variable.

ATLAS Database

bin/fetch_atlas_db can be used to fetch and extract an ATLAS database from a provided URL.

To build a copy of this database locally:

  • Run bin/download_local_ti to get a local copy of the text inventory from $CTS_API_ENDPOINT
  • Run bin/fetch_corpus_config to load corpus-specific configuration files
  • Run the prepare_atlas_db management command to ingest ATLAS data from CTS collections

Queries to ATLAS models are routed via the ATLASRouter database router (and therefore are isolated from the default database)