Event-based STL is a specification formalism used to satisfy reactive high-level specifications with reaction to uncontrolled external environment events. Given an Event-based STL specification, this toolbox automatically synthesizes controllers to satisfy the task. More information on Event-based STL can be found in the following paper:
Gundana, David, and Hadas Kress-Gazit. "Event-based Signal Temporal Logic Synthesis for Single and Multi-Robot Tasks." IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 6.2 (2021): 3687-3694.
Event-based STL specifications
- An Event-based STL specification Ψ can be written using the following syntax
- More details can be found in the paper referenced above
Creating Predicates μ
- A predicate μ can be a function of controllable and uncontrollable variables
- Controllable variables
- By default, each robot in the system is assumed to have 3 states (x,y, and θ). Control can be generated to change these variables during an execution
- Uncontrollable variables
- Uncontrollable variables can exist in an Event-based STL specification have states (x,y, and θ). Control can not be found for these variables as they are uncontrollable. Examples include people, uncontrollable robots, and dynamic obstacles.
- Function operators
- A predicate can contain the operators square root (sqrt) and absolute value (abs)
- Controllable variables
- A predicate μ can be a function of controllable and uncontrollable variables
Environment variables π
- Environment variables are uncontrolled inputs such as signals and alarms.
- Python 3.x
- Python Libraries:
- NumPy - https://numpy.org/install/
- SciPy - https://scipy.org/install/
- NetworkX - https://networkx.org/documentation/stable/install.html
- nltk - https://www.nltk.org/install.html
*** The python packages are only used to generate control. In order to run a simulation/experiment Matlab, Unity, or physical robots are required. Packages to simulate robotic systems in Matlab and Unity are provided in this repository. ***
- Matlab (Required to run Matlab simulations)
- Required toolbox:
- Instrument Control Toolbox
- All subfolders must be added to your Matlab path
- Required toolbox:
- Unity (Required to run Unity simulations)
- Python Libraries
- Write an Event-based STL specification in the correct format
- Prepare the specification for execution
- Manually generate a Büchi automaton if Spot is not installed
- Simulate an execution of a specification
- Syntax of an Event-based STL formula Ψ
- When writing Event-based STL specifications, the following rules should be followed
- Temporal operators
- G_[a,b] is written as alw_[a,b]
- F_[a,b] is written as ev_[a,b]
- U_[a,b] is written as un_[a,b]
- G without a timing bound [a,b] is written as G
- Temporal operators
- The state of each robot is a controllable variable. When writing predicates, the state of all robots are in the vector "pos" such that "pos = [x1,y1,θ1,x2,y2,θ2, ... ]"
- For example the states x, y, θ for robot 1 can be represented as pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]
- The states x, y, θ for robot 2 can be represented as pos[3], pos[4], pos[5]
- If there are 2 robots the size of pos should be 6
- Parentheses are only used for grouping of predicates, temporal operators, or events
- Predicates should not contain any spaces (ex. “sqrt[[pos[0]-2]^2+[pos[1]-2]^2]<1” )
- Temporal operators and timing bounds should not contain spaces (ex. ev_[0,10])
- All predicates grouped with a temporal operator are surrounded by parenthesis (ex. “(ev_[5,10] pos[0]>1 | alw_[0,5] pos[1]<2)” )
- All environment events are grouped with parentheses (ex. “((alarm1 & alarm2) | (alarm3 | alarm4))
- The specification is saved as a one line .txt file ("specification1.txt")
- Example 1:
- G(alarm1 => (ev_[0,10] (pos[0]>10 | pos[3]>11)))
- Example 2:
- G(((alarm1 & alarm2) => ((ev_[0,10] sqrt[[pos[0]-17]^2+[pos[1]-2]^2]<1) | (ev_[0,10] sqrt[[pos[3]-17]^2+[pos[4]-2]^2]<1))))
To prepare a specification for execution, run the file “runEvBasedSTL.py”. This script will open a GUI and ask for several different inputs.
- Number of Robots: Number of controllable robots that the specification includes
- Frequency (Hz): Frequency at which the specification is run.
- Max Velocity: Velocity bounds for each robot (x,y,theta)
- Initial state: Initial position of each controllable robot (for simulation purposes)
- Init uncontrolled: Initial position of dynamic obstacles (humans, uncontrolled robots, etc.)
- Upload Event-based STL Specification: Upload a txt file that contains the one line specification. The specification must be in the form described in the “Writing Specifications” section of this document
- Bypass Büchi Generation?: By default, the script will use Spot to generate a Büchi automaton from the given specification. If Spot is not installed, the Büchi can be uploaded as a separate txt file. The Büchi can be obtained from the online tool on the Spot website.
- Directly Upload Büchi: If the bypass option is checked, upload the txt file containing the Büchi automaton generated by the online tool on the Spot website.
- Upload map: upload an environment map. The map should be a .txt file with each line representing a line segment [x1 y1 x2 y2]
- Upload nodes: upload a roadmap for the map. The nodes should be in a .txt file with each line representing a point [x y]
- The output of this script is a pickle file and mat file that contains the information necessary to execute a specification. The pickle file is saved in the “pickle files” folder and the mat file is saved in the “matlab files” folder.
- The name of the files is the name of the .txt file for the specification
- Select the Bypass option on the GUI after running runEvBasedSTL.py
- After pressing "Apply" the abstracted Event-based STL specification will be printed in the console
- Visit https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/app/ and enter the printed specification
- Select "Acceptance: (State-based) Büchi " and "complete"
- After pressing enter to generate the automaton, select "NEVERCLAIM" and copy the output into a txt file.
- To generate the pickle file containing the necessary information for execution, run "runEvBasedSTL.py", select "bypass", and upload the txt file with the Büchi generated from Spot.
- A specification is executed through simulation in Unity (clientUnity.py) or Matlab (clientMatlab.py).
- Running in Matlab
- In the file “clientMatlab.py” change the pickle_file_path variable to the pickle file for your specification
- In a terminal run “clientMatlab.py”. The client will attempt to connect to Matlab to begin the simulation
- In Matlab run the script “RunTCPSim.m”. The mat file that is loaded should match pickle file
- A simulation window will appear with a start button to begin the simulation and input buttons which represent environment events.
- Running in Unity
- In the file “clientUnity.py” change the pickle_file_path variable to the pickle file for your specification
- In a terminal run “clientUnity.py”. The client will attempt to connect to Unity to begin the simulation
- To run a simulation in Unity attach the file “TCPServer.cs” to a robot in a Unity environment.
- When you begin the game in Unity, the server will connect and the execution will begin
- Debugging a Specification
- At each time step a message is printed from the Unity or Matlab console. This string contains information about the state of the robots and the system that are used to generate control. To debug a specification change the debugMessage variable to “1” in “runEvBasedSTL.py” and change the Mes variable to the string that was printed from the Matlab/Unity console. This will allow you to run the specification at the time step where an error occurred.