Author : David Harvey Date : 25/11/2016
Purpose : HST reduction that is more advanced that the 'on the fly' data reduction used directly on Hubble.
This code produces weak lensing, drizzled, quality data
from the original raw files.
Method : 1. The first part is corrects all the raw files for Charge Transfer Inefficiency (CTE, 2. The second part is that all the CTE files are flat fielded using the calacs script from STSCI 3a. Once flat-fielded the files (FLTs) are divided into subsets according to their HST FILTER (e.g. F814W, F606W etc...). 3b. The problem is that the FLTs might be from different epochs, and observation runs, so they rotated and offset from one another. So one must align the FLTs before we drizzle them to make the final image. To do this first, each set of expsoures is divided into their corresponding data sets which is given by the first 6 characters of the file name. These are drizzled together using astrodrizzle. 4. Then, each drizzled image from the datasets associated with the filter are compared to one another and tweaked so they are aligned. To do this the drizzled images are source extracted and then the sources of each image are aligned. 5. The solution to the alignment is then applied to the each FLT within that hst dataset. 6. Now with all aligned flts we drizzle together for a final image
INPUTS: 1. Downloaded data from MAST, including the original RAW files and the associated calibration files (although any missing ones will be downloaded by the pipeline) 2. Note that this code will assume that all the data in the current working direction are to be drizzled together. So make sure you have only the images you want to be drizzled together in the directory you execute the code. 3. The name of the output file you want to call the drizzled image. OUTPUTS: 1. A science file named ${INPUT_NAME}_${FILTER}drz_sci.fits 2. A weight file named ${INPUT_NAME}${FILTER}_drz_wht.fits
OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: 1. Individual exposures of each FLT (for PSF estimation) Named singles/${EXPOSURE_NAME}_drz_sci.fits
NOTES : Assumes use of idl, if gdl please change in the src/bin/ and GDL_PATH instead of IDL_PATH Assumes use of standard clang GCC installer
TO DO: Add jref_path to all the scripts so i can point to the same cluster and not redownload all the same files Plots still do not show during the script, and only when it ends. I have tried different backends, but these do not work. Still to be finished.