A plugin that makes the use of Fluid Type a breeze.
- 5
Use CQ units instead of VP Units
#24 opened by davidhellmann - 13
text-xs produces invalid clamp
#26 opened by alban-ameti - 2
`leading` utility class gets override
#30 opened by Amir-A-M - 4
- 6
- 6
- 5
Demo in Tailwind Play is borked
#4 opened by RyanRoberts - 2
- 10
Support for Padding, Margin?
#7 opened by niklasgrewe - 4
Best practices to add the fluid-type settings to “prose” sections of a page (official Tailwind CSS Typography plugin)?
#22 opened by MichaelvanLaar - 2
How to determine the array 'values'?
#20 opened by mdominguez - 5
Only default settings work
#19 opened by sabiertas - 2
Error if no values set
#14 opened by davidhellmann - 3
Why require scales to be integers?
#11 opened by erickreutz - 8
Is there a way to access the final font-size values for use elsewhere in CSS?
#10 opened by drdogbot7 - 1
Fluid paddings, margins, etc. possible?
#12 opened by hansipete - 0
- 3
Clamp structure invalid property value
#5 opened by CzuidwijkRB - 6
Tailwind CSS Vesion 3 Breaking Change
#3 opened by goxmedia - 1
- 3