
Includes a init.d script for Linux systems to auto start the rackup process. In this sample GemInABox is installed in the home directory of the rubygems users /home/rubygems.

1. Install Ruby 1.9.3 using RVM as the rubygems user to avoid Ruby 2.0.0 issue geminabox/geminabox#112.
2. Edit the /home/rubygems/ file to point to the full path of the data directory. = "/home/rubygems/data"
3. Install the init script (will be /etc/init.d/geminabox):
  sudo curl --output /etc/init.d/geminabox
  sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/geminabox
4. Edit the script changing the paths to match the geminabox installation.
  sudo vim /etc/init.d/geminabox
5. Make geminabox start on boot:
  sudo update-rc.d geminabox defaults 21
6. Control the service.
  sudo service geminabox [start|stop|status]