
This is the code that is used for my "Rings of Saturn" light. It is very crude code right now, and there are a couple bugs, but it works for the most part. I used an electret microphone input, and a 6-channel RF receiver with remote, connected to an Arduino Mega. I plan to port this to an ESP8266 for Wifi control at some point.

Primary LanguageArduino


This is the code that is used for my "Rings of Saturn" light. It is very crude code right now, and there are a couple bugs, but it works for the most part. I used an electret microphone input, and a 6-channel RF receiver with remote, connected to an Arduino Mega. I plan to port this to an ESP8266 for Wifi control at some point.

The video of the light I made with this code is here: https://youtu.be/g7A8h72RwdY