David Chang's Database


This is a simple database implementation.

Getting Started

$ git clone https://github.com/davidianstyle/david-chang-db.git
$ cd david-chang-db
# npm install
$ npm start


An in-memory database that has the following functions:

SET [name] [value] Sets the name in the database to the given value

GET [name] Prints the value for the given name. If the value is not in the database, prints NULL

DELETE [name] Deletes the value from the database

COUNT [value] Returns the number of names that have the given value assigned to them. If that value is not assigned anywhere, prints 0

END Exits the database

Database also supports transactions:

BEGIN Begins a new transaction

ROLLBACK Rolls back the most recent transaction. If there is no transaction to rollback, prints TRANSACTION NOT FOUND

COMMIT Commits all of the open transactions


$ git clone https://github.com/davidianstyle/david-chang-db.git
$ cd david-chang-db
$ npm run tests


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