
Simple golang rss program that aggregates rss endpoint data & sends a text with the message via Twilio

Primary LanguageGo


Simple golang rss program that aggregates rss endpoint data & sends a text with the message via Twilio


  • Make sure to add your own appropriate Twilio Account SID and corresponding Authentication Token in main.go. You can create a free Twilio account here: [https://www.twilio.com/try-twilio]


  • The goal of this project was to demonstrate how easy it is to hit web endpoints and parse the JSON responses in Go
  • If you want to receive this text each day without manually running the program I suggest setting up a free Amazon EC2 instance and using linux cron jobs. Make sure to install the go language on the machine.
  • Open /etc/crontab in vim and add 30 7 * * * ec2-user /home/ec2-user/go_projects/src/rss/main if you want the program to run at 7:30 am each day, and 5 17 * * * ec2-user /home/ec2-user/go_projects/src/rss/main for 5:05 pm each day. Ensure that the time on the linux instance is set correctly for your time zone :)