
Collection of R language code snippets

Primary LanguageR


Collection of R language code snippets

Slack R for Data Science Commuity

Is there a way to filter() or select() based on column type? I.E. I only want to pull columns that are type numeric ?

Adrian Fletcher

iris %>% filter(across(.cols = Sepal.Length, is.numeric))

  • Shows all rows that are numeric in Sepal.Length
  • use everything() to select all columns

Emil Malta

where is also a good select helper function to know starwars %>% select(where(is.numeric))

Alun Hewinson

select_if(iris, is.numeric) select_if(iris, is.factor)

Shea Fyffe

your_data[vapply(your_data, FUN = is.numeric, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))]