
Examples of how to use data APIs from various programming languages. Created for the Gateway to Industry Schools Program (GISP).

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Data API Examples

Coding demo about data APIs, JavaScript, Python, web servers, web techonologies and an ask-me-anything session with David Beitey (@davidjb).

Delivered as part of an industry/educator partnership formed in the ICT Gateway to Industry Schools Program (GISP) initiative.

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  • Intro — outline, ask questions, introduction

  • Background — who I am, my experience

  • APIs (Application Programming Interfaces):

    • Demo and walkthrough of examples

    • API = Bistro: walk in, line up, there is a defined menu of offerings

      • You ask for what you want, they make it and deliver it.
      • You don't mind/can't see or control how they make your spaghetti, just that you get it
      • Some places may offer flexibility (V, GF, etc) but you have to ask for it
      • Not every restaurant is the same
    • General outline: what they are and aren't, how they work

      • REST (Representational State Transfer) — software style involving textual representation of resources that allow reading/modification using a defined set of operations. In short, it's about using HTTP methods (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE etc) to access/change data on a remote server in a defined way.

        • REST ⋍ Roads: except all rules are "should"/"might", signs may be wrong/missing, traffic lights (may be wrong!), congestion, potholes, toll bridges, gated communities, roads may just end
    • Data formats + view examples:

    • Tools & documentation vary wildly between APIs

    • Considerations

      • All APIs are different
      • Programming language / environment being using (Python, JavaScript, PHP, etc)
      • Versoning: APIs will often have v1, v2, etc in their URLs indicating structure
      • CORS: Cross-origin resource sharing - ability to load data across domains in browser
      • Rate Limiting: limits on allowed requests, by user/computer/network
      • Access Control: some APIs require keys or paid access (e.g. Google Maps API)
      • Error Handling: code should expect & handle errors (network failure, API offline, invalid data, etc)
      • Caching: hitting same API repeatedly is wasteful, leverage browser or other cache
  • Work Experience:

  • Q&A Session: ask me anything; around the syllabus or anything else

  • Shameless plugs:

    • DevNQ - community run, all-invlusive group for IT developers (events, hackathon on Townsville Show weekend in July, socials)
    • Young ICT Explorers - yearly competition that students/schools can enter and win prizes
    • TCC Big Ideas Youth Challenge - 22 April 2021, one day event around innovation, entrepreneurship and change. Also a PD session held on the day prior for teachers.