Word Sequences Challenge

Here is my solution to the word challenge.


You'll need ruby and bundler; then, bundle install.


The word challenge can be run with bin/sequencer. You will need to give it a file argument for the input.

Writing output

# writes output to `output/sequences` and `output/words`
$ bin/sequencer input/dictionary

# optionally, you may specify the output; this will write to
# `output/dictionary_sequences` and `output/dictionary_words`
$ bin/sequencer input/dictionary -o output/dictionary

Verifying output

Additionally, you may use bin/sequencer to validate the tool against existing output.

# valid output should be at `output/arrow_words` and `output/arrow_sequences`
$ bin/sequencer input/arrow -v output/arrow

Example input

The input directory contains the data specified in the challenge; input/arrow is the input in the example; input/dictionary was obtained from https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/14065136/dictionary.txt

Final Solution

The final solution lives in output/dictionary_words and output/dictionary_sequences.


To watch/run specs in development, just run guard.