A reasonable collection of plugins to use alongside your main esLint configuration
- 0
Remove `eslint-plugin-scanjs-rules`
#55 opened by alecmev - 1
Should `snyk` be kept as a devDependency in eslint-config-adjunct's package.json?
#51 opened by sumitpore - 1
Disable `eslint-config-prettier/@typescript-eslint` per Prettier upstream changes
#49 opened by poteat - 1
Quiet option to suppress package loading logging
#46 opened by poteat - 1
- 2
[camelcase] definition for rule '@typescript-eslint/camelcase' was not found
#43 opened by lovekaizen - 2
- 2
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- 1
An in-range update of eslint-plugin-no-constructor-bind is breaking the build 🚨
#21 opened by greenkeeper - 2
npm-check-updates dep.
#6 opened by brettz9 - 3
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