Typescript ORM of DynamoDB, written from scrach to fully support the DynamoDB
- DynamoDB record -> TS Class object with typing
- CreateTable / DropTable
- PrimaryKey
- FullPrimaryKey (Hash, Range)
- HashPrimaryKey (Hash)
- Attribute
- Type Support (Number / String / Boolean / Array / Object / Buffer)
- TimeToLive
Also, dynamo-types let you overcome several limits that dynamoDB (or it's sdk has)
- BatchWrite (batchDelete / batchPut) has limit of maximum 25 items per request.
- dynamo-types automatically split given items to chunk of 25 and sends requests
- BatchGet has limit of maximum 100 items per requests
- dynamo-types automatically split given keys to chunk of 25 and sends requests in parallel
@Decorator.Table({ name: "prod-Card" })
class Card extends Table {
public id: number;
public title: string;
@Decorator.Attribute({ timeToLive: true })
public expiresAt: number;
@Decorator.FullPrimaryKey('id', 'title')
static readonly primaryKey: Query.FullPrimaryKey<Card, number, string>;
static readonly writer: Query.Writer<Card>;
// Create Table At DynamoDB
await Card.createTable();
// Drop Table At DynamoDB
await Card.dropTable();
// Creating Record
const card = new Card();
card.id = 100;
card.title = "Title";
await Card.writer.put(card);
// OR just
await card.save();
// Batch Put
await Card.writer.batchPut([
new Card(),
new Card()
// Get Record
await Card.primaryKey.get(100, "Title");
// BatchGet
// This array is strongly typed such as Array<[number, string]> so don't worry.
await Card.primaryKey.batchGet([
[100, "Title"],
[200, "Title2"]
// Query
// Range key opreation is also stringly typed also
await Card.primaryKey.query({
hash: 100,
range: [">=", "Title"]
// Delete record
await card.delete()
import {
} from "dynamo-types";
@Decorator.Table({ name: `table_name` })
export class CardStat extends Table {
public static readonly primaryKey: Query.HashPrimaryKey<CardStat, number>;
public static readonly writer: Query.Writer<CardStat>;
@Decorator.Attribute({ name: "card_id" })
public cardId: number;
@Decorator.Attribute({ name: "impressions_count" })
public impressionsCount: number = 0;
@Decorator.Attribute({ name: "shares" })
public shares: number = 0;
DynamoDB support 2 different kind of connection. plain connection DynamoDB through HTTP, or through DAX dynamo-types support this by let you create seperated connection per each table.
@Decorator.Table({ name: "prod-Card1", connection: new DAXConnection({ endpoints: ["dax-domain:8892"] }) })
class Card extends Table {
public id: number;
public title: string;
@AttributeDecorator({ name: "complicated_field"})
public complicatedField: string;
@FullPrimaryKeyDecorator('id', 'title')
static readonly primaryKey: Query.FullPrimaryKey<Card, number, string>;
static readonly writer: Query.Writer<Card>;
Than any query that sent to Card table would be through DAXConnection