
EE GitHub Gist Notifier

Primary LanguageJavaScript

New Gists Notifier

Using the GitHub API you should query a user’s publicly available GitHub gists. The script should then tell you when a new gist has been published.


You can deploy/run this project in a few different ways:

  • Install into cron locally
  • Run manually
  • Deploy to AWS using the Quick Launch button below.
  • Manually using the AWS CLI tools

Quick Launch on AWS

You can launch this project with one click:

Launch Stack

Once deployed, this project uses CloudFormation to deploy a Lambda function, written in NodeJS, automatically invoked at a specific interval (of your own choosing). The function will notify you of any additional Public Gists that have been created since the last invocation, by either Email or SMS.

If you are being notified by email of any new Public Gists, you will additionally be notified of any failure to contact GitHub, retrieve Gists or execute the Lambda function via CloudWatch alarms.

To reduce potential costs, these notifications are not sent via SMS.

Manual AWS Deployment

If you do not want to use the Quick Launch. First follow the Install guide for setting up the AWS CLI Tools. Once the CLI tools have been configured, you can deploy the service by executing the following command from inside the directory the repository was cloned into:

aws cloudformation deploy --template-file cloudformation.yml \
  --stack-name <STACK_NAME> \
  --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
  --parameter-overrides \
      Destination=<EMAIL_OR_PHONE_NUMBER> \

Run Locally

Once you have cloned the repository, ensure that Node LTS (v8.11.1) is installed before running npm install inside the directory the repository was cloned into.

Once dependencies have been installed, you can run the script using:

node run.js --username <GITHUB_USERNAME>

Optionally append --notify to see a system notification displayed natively using your OS.

Install into cron

Once you have cloned the repository, ensure that Node LTS (v8.11.1) is installed before running npm install inside the directory the repository was cloned into.

You can install the script to notify hourly for a specific GitHub username, via cron using OS Notifications, using the following commands:

  • To install: sudo npm run cron:install <GITHUB_USERNAME>
  • To uninstall: sudo npm run cron:uninstall


Once you have cloned the repository, ensure that Node LTS (v8.11.1) is installed before running npm install inside the directory the repository was cloned into.


ESLint is executed against AirBnB Javascript coding style guidelines. Any changes can be linted using npm run lint.

Run tests

Tests are implemented with Jest and test successful functionality. They can be executed via npm run test.