Parameter Entry Interface (PEI) is a small GUI library for getting parameters from the user.
To create a dialog box where the user can enter parameters include the following
#include <pei/dialogBox.hpp>
#include <map>
#include <string>
In the main function create a map and initialize it.
map<string,double> params;
// Add some parameters
params["FirstParam"] = 1.0;
params["SecondParam"] = 2.0;
params["ThirdParam"] = 3.0;
Create a dialogbox and display the content.
pei::DialogBox box( params );;
Full example file
#include <pei/dialogBox.hpp>
#include <map>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
map<string,double> params;
// Add some parameters
params["FirstParam"] = 1.0;
params["SecondParam"] = 2.0;
params["ThirdParam"] = 3.0;
// Create the dialogbox
pei::DialogBox box( params );;
return 0;
After cloning the repository the library can be installed by
cmake .
sudo make install
This will put the header files in /usr/local/include/pei and the shared library file to /usr/local/lib. These paths can be changed by modifying the INSTALL_INCLUDE_DIR and the INSTALL_LIB_DIR in CMakeLists.txt.
In order to install this library FLTK needs to installed. In addition support for OpenGL is required.