Small GUI for modifying matplotlib axis while being able to save as ps+ps_tex using Inkscape

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Plot Designer (PLOD) is a small GUI for modifying matplotlib axis while being able to save as ps+ps_tex using Inkscape.


Using the Plot Designer in a script requires a few extra lines of code. First import the tkinter package

import tkinter as tk

Import the control GUI

from PLOD import controlGUI as cgui

Then create an instance of the Tk object

root = tk.Tk()

After this create an instance of the Control object

  control = cgui.Control(root)

At the end of the main function call the mainloop


Each plot that can be modified by Plot Designer has to be attached. This is done by providing a figure instance, axes instance and a filename in case the figure should be stored.

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
control.attach( fig, ax, "emptyFig.svg" )

An example is provided in the guiTest.py script. The axes can either be altered by the entry fields provided in the GUI or by using the standard zooms and pan funcionality that comes with matplotlib. The resulting ps+ps_tex can be compiled to a standalone pdf using ink2pdf.


To install the pacakge, run the setup.py script

python3 setup.py install/develop --user

if install is given, the module files will be copied and new changes will only be effective when the module is reinstalled. If develop is given, only a link is created and new changes is effective. Omit --user if the install should be available for all users.