
Simple Go library for model selection

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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Simple Go library for model selection. GoSelect implements the following selection algorithms

  • Branch and Bound using the modified Afaike's Information Criterion (AICC) as cost function
  • Simmulated Annealing using AICC as the cost function
  • LASSO (both LARS and coordinate descent)

Data Format

Many of the command line tools implemented in GoSelect reads data from a comma separated text files. It is assumed that the file has a header that includes a name for each feature. An example of a valid CSV file is shown below

# Age, Height, Weight
   20,    184,     80
   40,    192,     92
   60,    188,     88

Command Line Tools

The following command line tools are available in GoSelect

  • goselect-bnb performs model selection using a branch and bound method
  • goselect-cohenlasso calculates Cohen's kappa using the lasso method (for the model by minimising AICC)
  • goselect-lasso runs the LASSO alggorithms
  • goselect-mem memory estimate for the queue used in branch and bound method
  • goselect-nestelasso runs nested lasso (e.g. sequential LASSO by exlcluding the least relevant features after each run)
  • goselect-plotlasso plots results from LASSO runs
  • goselect-sa runs model selection using simmulated annealing ny minimizing AICC

A detailed information of the arguments to each CLI tool can be found by running

goselect-bnb -h