
Clojure link shortener using Noir

Primary LanguageClojure


A link shortener written as a learning tool for clojure, ring, noir, drift (migrations), and hsqldb

This is very much a work in progress. There is nothing functional about it, yet.


  1. Download hsqldb 2.2.5
  2. Install clojure
  3. Install leiningen


  1. Run the database

    java -cp ../hsqldb/lib/hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.server.Server \
         --database.0 file:mydb --dbname.0 xdb
  2. Run Zookeeper

    Create the config file conf/zoo.cfg by copying conf/zoo_sample.cfg.

    ./bin/zkServer.sh start
  3. Download dependencies

    lein deps
  4. Run the tests

    lein test
  5. Run the migrations

    lein migrate -version 1
  6. Run the server

    lein run


Copyright (C) 2011 David Krisch

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.