Rotten Tomatoes

This is a movies app displaying box office and top rental DVDs using the Rotten Tomatoes API.

I've done only the required steps so far, I'm going to keep working on this on Monday.

Assignment can be found here.

Rotten Tomatoes Dummy Data #1 #2

API Key: "av2w54dpqt9fatk3tccb8b9w"

Time spent: 4.34 hours



  • User can view a list of movies. Poster images load asynchronously.
  • User can view movie details by tapping on a cell.
  • User sees loading state while waiting for the API.
  • User sees error message when there is a network error:
  • User can pull to refresh the movie list.


  • All images fade in.
  • For the larger poster, load the low-res first and switch to high-res when complete.
  • All images should be cached in memory and disk: AppDelegate has an instance of NSURLCache and NSURLRequest makes a request with NSURLRequestReturnCacheDataElseLoad cache policy. I tested it by turning off wifi and restarting the app.
  • Customize the highlight and selection effect of the cell.
  • Customize the navigation bar.
  • Add a tab bar for Box Office and DVD.
  • Add a search bar: pretty simple implementation of searching against the existing table view data.


Video Walkthrough

GIF created with LiceCap.
