
A demo project showcasing .Net app deployment on AWS ECS (Fargate)

Primary LanguageC#

DotNet Web App on AWS Fargate

This repository contains AWS CDK project for demo ASP.Net Core 5 application hosted on AWS Fargate. It is my playground for learning AWS.

Below diagram illustrates important architecture components and interactions of this project.

The diagram might not always be up to date with the code

Notable problems solved in this project

  • Deploying dockerized dotnet app on ECS
  • Configuring ECS to use exposed app's healthcheck endpoint on non-public port
  • Configuring ELB to use the same healthcheck endpoint
    • with required security group modifications
    • healthcheck is only exposed internally. Can not be requested from the internet
  • Log processing by sidecar Fluentbit container with CloudWatch target
    • allows us to define advanced log processing pipeline
    • processes logs from files instead of app's stdout
  • Sharing filesystem across multiple containers
  • Sidecar nginx reverse proxy
    • allows us to configure some common behaviour outside of the app. E.g. compression.
    • it really is just an example how to do it if we need it
  • Secrets management using SSM Parameter Store
    • secrets are stores as single SSM parameter encoded as JSON document
    • app downloads secrets to local filesystem on startup
  • Automatic app redeployment on secret change
    • example of configuration that will ensure that when SSM parameter is updated app is redeployed and downloads the latest value
  • Custom metrics from app's logs
  • CloudWatch Dashboard with custom metrics
  • Utilizing CloudMap's service discovery for direct app-to-app communication

Repository contents

  • infra - CDK project directory
  • app - application code + other required Docker image definitions