
An Elixir & Phoenix Project. Given a user’s GitHub username, return a list of repositories that user is watching with a link to each.

Primary LanguageElixir

Repo Search


Repo Search is a simple web application built in Elixir and Phoenix that will:

  • Take a user’s github username
  • Return a list of repositories that user is watching with a link to each.
  • And displays some other interesting info about that user, such as the count of the user's pull requests, issues, and more!

Technical Notes

This project relies on GitHub's V4 API. It is built in Elixir using the Phoenix framework. Input from the user is communicated to Phoenix over Websockets, and the results of the query to GitHub is broadcasted to the user.

Getting Started

To start Repo Search:

  • This project assumes you have installed Elixir and Phoenix.
  • Start by cloning this repository (git clone https://github.com/fiveache/Repos.git) and navigating into the directory.
  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Install Node.js dependencies with npm install
  • Generate a GitHub Token with User and Repository read scopes.
  • remove the . from config/.dev.secret.exs
  • Replace <API KEY FROM GITHUB> with the token generated from the step above.
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phoenix.server

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

Using the Search

Enter a GitHub username into the search bar and hit Search. User data will appear.

Some of the Resources Used to Complete This Project

