These are my dotfiles. It's for me, using my settings, and it helps me set up new machines for how I work. That said, I stole a lot of this from other people, so feel free to steal from me. I would, however, highly recommend forking this repo and changing my user name to yours to avoid any issues. That will also allow you to add your own customizations and remove any of mine that you don't like. Good luck!
Before we run the install and setup scripts, we need to take care of a few things. So that you can actually run these scripts.
It's worth noting that this setup is for macOS only and assumes you're using bash or zsh to execute the scripts.
You need git
in order to get settings and plugins.
xcode-select --install
After that finishes, you need to run a few other scripts before we can do everything else.
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/{bin,lib,include,share}
sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/{bin,lib,include,share}
A password manager is essential to running a machine. One it provided a solid level of security around your info, and two it just makes it easier to get set up. So, download your password manager of choice and sign in to make everything that follows easier.
Odds are you're going to need Node.js on your machine. Odds are you're a web developer if you're looking at this. Please download and install Node before continuing with the rest of this setup. I'm assuming that you're running the current LTS version or higher moving forward.
You'll need a cop of this repo locally on your machine. So now that you have git
, let's clone some dotfiles. You've got two options here. First navigate to or make your development directory and then clone. For me, I keep everything in /dev
mkdir dev
cd dev
git clone
Okay, time to really get the ball rolling with scripts. Let's talk about what it will do before we run it. Feel free to take a look in
file, but we'll walk through it here.
First, we need to install oh-my-zsh
and install some plugins (we already have them defined in our zshrc). We'll also make sure zsh is our default shell:
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions
git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting
git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/git-open
Then we'll move to the home directory. We need to get rid of any existing configuration files. Though if you have them you might want to store them somewhere else and bring them back after we're done. Ideally we don't have a ~/.config directory, but if so... you probably need to delete it.
cd ~
rm -rf ~/.config
Now we need to get Homebrew up and running. If you already have it, you can run brew update
instead of installing it. Install with this script:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
You may or may not need to do this, but ever since switching to an M1 Mac, I've needed to add Homebrew to the PATH. If you're following along here, the Homebrew install will give the same info, but you'll need to run this:
export PATH=/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH
export PATH=/opt/homebrew/sbin:$PATH
Now, we'll use Homebrew Bundle to go through our Bundle file and install a bunch of stuff, but we need to let set up Homebrew to run the bundle.
brew tap Homebrew/bundle
Now that we've got Node and Homebrew up and running, we can install all of the things. First we'll install some global npm modules.
npm i -g empty-trash-cli fkill-cli np trash-cli convert-color-cli yarn
Now we'll install all of the homebrew applications (even Mac App Store applications)
brew bundle
Next we'll stay in the dotfiles
directory because we've got some local dependencies to install.
cd ~/dev/dotfiles && npm install
That is a lot, but, honestly, it only takes a few minutes. If you want, you can run that entire script in order:
sh ~/dev/dotfiles/
Let's get this mac finished setting up. Here are some steps.
Using the
script you can set your computer up to run just like I want. I think these are good Mac defaults, but you might not like it. Feel free to change it or and/remove stuff as you see fit.
sh ~/dev/dotfiles/
- You should already have 1Password downloaded, now let's get the browser extension loaded up
- Arc is your favorite browser, so get that bad boy and Logins
- Login to github and do your auth diddy for
- Download Raycast and get rid of spotlightĂĄ
- You know you need Bartender
- Karabiner
- Don't forget your dev fonts (grab them from drobox)
- Copy screenshot to clipboard
- Shottr shortcuts