Getting Started with You Are Not Alone

This README describes the steps needed to get up and running as a developer of the project. This project uses Rails 6, Postgres, and Bootstrap. The instructions below describe how you set up an ubuntu linux environment, including linux running under vagrant on Windows. The steps for Mac are similar except that you do brew install.

Configuring Vagrant if you are using it

Rails 6 uses Webpacker and Yarn. As a result, it requires support in the environment for symbolic links. To enable this, add the following to your Vagrantfile:

config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v|
      v.customize ["setextradata", :id, "VBoxInternal2/SharedFoldersEnableSymlinksCreate/v-root", "1"]

You may already have the config.vm.provider block, in which case you add the line described. Then, bring down your vagrant environment with "vagrant halt" if it is running, and close the Git Bash session. Then, start a new Git Bash session running it as the windows administrator. Then do a "vagrant up". From now on, whenever you do "vagrant up", you will need to do it from a Git Bash session that was run as the windows administrator.

Installing Prerequisites on Linux (and Vagrant)


sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install postgresql
sudo apt-get install postgresql-contrib
sudo apt-get install libpq-dev
sudo apt-get install yarn
curl -o- | bash
nvm install --lts
sudo apt remove nodejs
which node

The which command will return a filename like


You create a symbolic link to it via

ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /home/vagrant/.nvm/versions/node/v14.15.1/bin/node

Be sure that the ln command is passed the actual location returned by which. The node/nodejs stuff is not needed on mac.

Installing Prerequisites on Mac OS

Check if you are running Mac OS Catalina. That is done by clicking on the apple icon in the upper left corner of your screen, and then clicking on About This Mac. If you are running Catalina, which is the most current release, you will have to do the following steps:

curl -sL | bash

The above command may return an error. If so, do the following:

sudo rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools (You will have to enter your admin password)
sudo xcode-select --reset
xcode-select --install

Then repeat the curl command above. The error should go away. If it does not, stop! and contact me.

Now we can actually install the prerequisites. You should have installed brew when you originally set up your Mac to run rails. Check that it is there with this command:

brew -v

If you do not have brew, instructions for installing it are here: . Now, do the following commands:

brew update
brew doctor
brew install postgresql
brew services start postgresql
brew install yarn

Each of these commands should complete without error. If not, stop! and post to the slack channel.

Getting started with the git repository

In your browser, go to Then fork that repository into your own github workspace. Then clone your not-alone workspace to your laptop, in an appropriate directory. We will use a git process as described here: Please read the instructions at that link. You may not understand them yet, but you will. The main point is that you have a triangular workflow, as described in the document. To set up the triangle, you need to do

git remote add upstream

Setting up the not-alone application

You will do the following:

yarn add bootstrap@4.5.3 jquery popper.js
rvm install 2.7.0
cd not-alone
bundle install
yarn install --checkfiles
bin/rails db:create
bin/rails db:migrate
bin/rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test
bin/rails db:seed

Each of these commands should complete without failures, including Rspec. Then run

bin/rails s

adding -b if you are running in vagrant. Then see if you can get to the server at localhost:3000.

If any of this fails, post the problem in the slack channel.

Dockerize App

This section is to know how to use this repository with Docker for a more straightforward installation process. Pre-requisites are only to have Docker working and have the docker-compose command installed.

On the root folder, you need to copy the .env-template file to .env and modify the values of the environment variables with what you need, but with the default values work fine.

cp .env-template .env

Finally, you need to run the docker-compose command and wait until the build process finish.

docker-compose up --build


The main idea is to have two containers running, one for the database (PostgreSQL) and the second for the project (Ruby/Rails/Nodejs); the database container uses the main PostgreSQL image from Docker Hub, and the second container is based on Alpine Linux distribution from Docker Hub, too. The essential files are:

  • ./init.sql # It contains the initial sql script to create and grant three databases: dev, test, and prod.
  • ./ # It contains the command to start the web server rails exec rails s -b
  • ./.env # It contains the environment variables and their values
  • ./Dockerfle # It contains the definition of project, package installation and build commands
  • ./docker-compose.yml # It contains the Docker definitions, environment variables, volumes and ports usage

On the last file you can modify the main environment variable for Rails RAILS_ENV, by default the value is "development" but you cand change it for test or production based on your requirements.

Automatic Build&Push the Docker image

We can use the Dockerhub or any other container registry to publish this Docker image and anyone can deploy it on their own local computer, VPS (virtual private server) or any other cloud resource which can execute containers (GKE, ECS, AKS or something similar).

The firts step of GitHub Actions use the Docker official images to login, to build and push the image into the Dockerhub (container registry); so we need to setup two initial secrets values into the Github repository configuration add these variables:

  • DOCKERHUB_USERNAME the value required here is the username of the Dockerhub account (for example adrianaprojects)
  • DOCKERHUB_TOKEN the value required here is the Access token from your account