
Using NGINX Extras as pushgateway sidecar to unzip gzipped request in Kubernetes.

Primary LanguageLua

Pushgateway NGINX Extras with unzip sidecar Step By Step

Given that Pushgateway and Envoy does not have capability to decompression gzipped request yet, here we are using the NGINX Extras with lua script to unzip the gzipped request then proxy it to the Pushgateway, implemented as a Kubernetes sidecar.

The Tools

Tools we'll be using:

  1. minikube
  2. NGINX Extras
  3. node exporter
  4. push gateway


  1. Howto make Nginx decompress a gzipped request
  2. Implementing A Reverse Proxy Server In Kubernetes Using The Sidecar

Step 1: Build the sidecar docker image

Start minikube,

minikube start

Once minikube is started, run

eval $(minikube docker-env)

to get hooked up to the Minikube Docker daemon (which we'll be using when we build Docker images later).

In nginx-extras-with-unzip folder, run

docker build -t nginxsidecar .

You should see your docker image on your local docker registry.

Step 2: Deploy Pushgateway and it's sidecar

In root folder, run:

kubectl apply -f pushgateway_deployment.yaml

Step 3: Test/Verify

If you are running on Linux, you can start node-exporter.

Use push_node_exporter_metrics.sh to push metrics in gzipped format to the Pushgateway.


If all good, you should see 200 response code from the aforementioned command.