Ansible configuration site.

The aim of this repo is to manage a resetable configuration playbook for setting up new computers from scratch.

What it includes?

  • Generation of a folder system according to presets
  • copy of dotfiles and aliases
  • copy of custom scripts
  • installation of common packages
  • manage project repos


Install ansible in the new machine:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install ansible
## install required perc
ansible-galaxy collection install community.crypto

then, clone the directory

cd /tmp
git clone

and finally run the playbook locally

ansible-playbook presets.yml --connection=local --ask-become-pass

For Linode machines

Log in as a root and create a user

## add user, will be asked for password
useradd dmas
## if not,
passwd dmas

and put it in the sudoers

usermod -aG sudo dmas


TMUX 2.9 compatibility

There are 2 tmux conf versions, pre-2.9 and post-2.9.

See this for more context.

Error with conda env active

Error with conda env.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/ansible-playbook", line 34, in <module>
    from ansible import context
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ansible'

For some reason if conda is active the ansible executable is not recognised, for now do deativate any conda environtment before runing ansible.


I am trying to download a private repo from github, I want to do is to generate a key, added into the github and then download the repo.

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  - name: generate key
    path: ~/.ssh/gh_id
    type: ed25519
  - name: Evaluating the authentication agent & adding the key...
    shell: |
      eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
      ssh-add ~/.ssh/gh_id
  - name: clone homelab scripts
      repo: ''
      dest: /home/dmas/xx/xx